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Dr. Hitesh Bhatia

Professor & Dean

School: School of Business and Law

Dr. Hitesh Bhatia is a PhD in Business Economics with a research interest in the fields of Macro Economics, Public Finance, Banking, Indian and International Economics. His thesis is titled ‘Social Security in India with Reference to Fiscal Sustainability and Ageing’ and focuses on several important issues from the field of Public Finance and Demography. Dr. Bhatia has over 22 years of experience in teaching and academic coordination. He has worked with The M.S. University of Baroda, ICFAI University, and is currently associated with Navrachana University, Vadodara. Dr. Bhatia has successfully executed several tasks including designing and launching various academic programs like BBA, BBALLB, BCom, and MBA. 


He has directed several regional and national-level – seminars, workshops and conferences. He has been associated as a resource person and expert faculty with several institutions and organizations. He is Invited as an Expert Faculty and Resource Person in several institutes of repute including FGI, EXIM Club, BMA, ISTD, JCI among others  


Academic background/Qualification

  • 2014, Ph.D in Business Economics, Dept of Business Economics, Faculty of Commerce,  M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara.  
  • 2001, M.Com in Business Economics, Dept of Business Economics, Faculty of Commerce, M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara. 
  • 2016, MBA Marketing, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamil Nadu. 
  • 1999, B.Com, Faculty of Commerce, M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara. 
  • 2003, PGDEIM, Post Graduate Diploma In Export Import Management, The Institute of Export, Vadodara.

Professional or Industrial Experience 

22 Years of experience in Teaching, Research, Administration and Training, Before joining Navrachana University, Dr. Bhatia has worked earlier with MS University of Baroda and ICFAI University Hyderabad  


  • Managerial Economics  
  • Macro Economics 
  • International Business  
  • Public Policy 

Areas of Expertise and Research

  • Primary Area: Public Finance, Banking, Micro and Macro Economics  
  • Secondary Area: International Business and CSR 


Publications (in the order recent to be first) 


Ph.D. Research Guide 


Books Published 

  • Bhatia Hitesh and Anupama Dave (Eds) (2022) ‘Managing People Planet and Profit in the Covid World’ Navrachana University Publication, Vadodara.  
  • Bhatia Hitesh and Vandana Talegaonkar (Eds) (2017) ‘Innovating for Development and Sustainability’ Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.  
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2015) ‘Introduction to Social Security: – With Special Reference to India’ Mangalam Publication, Delhi.  


Encyclopedia Chapter 

  • Sinha N., Thombre M., Bhatia Hitesh. (2021) Moving Towards an Informative and Transparent Justice System. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.  
  • Bhatia Hitesh. (2020) Anti-poverty Initiatives: Reducing Multidimensional Poverty and Deprivation. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.   
  • Kumar J., Bhatia Hitesh. (2020) Emerging Trends in Productive Employment. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.  


 Selected Journal Publications  

  • Neha Taneja and Hitesh Bhatia (2022) ‘A Study on the Influence of Education and Demographic Variables on Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy (ESE)’ Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India published by SAGE Publications. Indexed: ABDC (C)   SCOPUS, UGC Care Group, July 2022.  
  • Rushit Dubal and Hitesh Bhatia (2022)Impact of Message Characteristics on Viral Video Advertising’ Adhyayan: A Journal of Management Sciences, Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2022. EBSCO and Ulrich’s, J Gate 
  • Taneja Neha and Hitesh Bhatia (2021) Measuring Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy: A Comprehensive Scale, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, SAGE Journal, vol. 7, 2: pp. 194-215, SCOPUS, UGC Care Group-I, June. 2021.  
  • Rangoonwala  Nikita and Hitesh Bhatia (2020) Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Willful Default for Commercial Banks in India Journal of Business Analytics and Intelligence Volume 8 Issue, December 2020 Proquest, EBSCO  
  • Bhatia Hitesh and Ashwini Tiwatne (2018) Foreign Direct Investment in India: A Macro Economic Review,  Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research, Volume 7, Issue 4, August, 2018. Indexed: ABDC (C) 
  • Bhatia Hitesh and Itee Patni (2017) Millennium to sustainable development goals: A review of India’s Progress and challenges in Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Vol 5 (1), January 2017.    Indexed: J-Gate, iScholar, NAAS, Google scholar 
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2016) Decoding the Structure of India’s Union Budget Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, Publishing India Group, New Delhi, Volume 5- Issue 1, January, 2016 Indexed:ABDC (C) 
  • Kumar,Jayant and Hitesh Bhatia (2015) Rush to Expenditure and Financial Ethics, Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol – 4, Issue – 4, March 2015. Indexed: Directory of Research Journal Indexing, BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine and Einstein Institute for Scientific Information(JIF) 
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2014) Evolution of Social Security: A Historical Perspective, Anvesak, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR) Ahmadabad, Vol.44, No.1 January-June 2014. UGC Care List 
  • Kumar, Jayant and Hitesh Bhatia (2014) A Review of Rural Health Care System in Gujarat, Arthshastra, Indian Journal of Economics & Research, Delhi, Vol 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014. Indexed: Indian Citation Index, UGC Care List Group 1, NAAS, Copernicus Journals, Google Scholar, Cabell’s Directory USA, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EconLit 
  • Kumar, Jayant and Hitesh Bhatia (2012) The Dichotomy of Informal V/s Unorganized Sector, Drishtikon:- A Management Journal, Symbiosis Centre for Management and HRD, Pune, Vol 3, Issue 2. June, 2012 Indexed: Copernicus Journals, Business Source Complete, Ulrich’s Web, Cabell’s Directory of  Publishing Opportunities, EBSCO Database 
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2012) Opportunities for young Indian Entrepreneurs in Ageing Economies, Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management, Publishing India Group, Vol 1, Issue 1 February, 2012. Indexed:  Business Source Complete, Ulrich’s Web, Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities 
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2010), The Retail Business in India: – Revolution or Evolution? Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, Vol.4, Issue.2, London April 2010.  Indexed: SJR Scopus, ROAD, Proquest, Ebsco, Ulrich’s Web, Cabell’s Directory

Book Chapters  

  • Ketan Kothadiya and Bhatia Hitesh (2023)  ‘A Review of Inflation Targeting in India’  in Minatji Sahoo & Saurav Gupta (Eds.).  The Journey of Development in India: Reflections on Economic and Communication Scenario in 75th Year of Independence (1st ed.). Published by Central University of Odisha, Koraput (PP14-28) 
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2022)  ‘Promoting Curiosity Among the Participants of Micro Economics in Online Classes Conducted During Lockdown 2020’ in Singh, R.I., & Sikka, P. (Eds.).  Virtual Learning: Insights and Perspectives (1st ed.). Published by Routledge (Taylor and Francis). SCOPUS indexed  
  • Neha Taneja and Hitesh Bhatia (2023) ‘Entrepreneurship education in the Indian context: relevance and limitations’ in Geo-economic Perspectives in the Global Environment by Faisal Ahmed and Arbuda Sharma (eds), Published by  Routledge (Taylor and Francis) SCOPUS Indexed  
  • Hitesh Bhatia (2021) Recovery of NPA: A Success of Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws in India in Research and Regulatory Aspects in Accounting edited by Shah Pragnesh, Amita K, Ketan U and Jayesh P (eds), Published by ICSSR and Faculty of Commerce, The M.S.University of Baroda, (pp 124-132) July 2021. 
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2012) Social Insurance: – A Historical Perspective, In Denis, Litty et al Emerging Role of Financial Services, Insurance and Banking, (1st ed), Mungalam Publishers, New Delhi (pp 346-367) September, 2012. 
  • Kumar Jayant and Hitesh Bhatia (2012), Unorganized Workers in India: A Perspective towards Unemployment, Poverty and Social Expenditure, In Bagchi, Kanak and Nirupam Gope (eds) Social Security for Unorganized Workers in India – Issues and Concerns, (1st ed), Madhav Books, New Delhi (pp 47-60) August, 2012. 
  • Kumar Jayant and Hitesh Bhatia (2011) Planet and the Little Fingers: Global Competitiveness in BRIC & Canadian Context. In Parimal Vyas (ed), Global Business Perspectives & Dimensions India and Canada, (1st ed) Mangalam Publications, New Delhi (pp 295-310) July, 2011. 
  • Kumar Jayant and Hitesh Bhatia (2011), Economic Growth in India:- A Contemporary Analysis, Eco Growth and Stability in the Post Reform Period: Indian Experience, (eds) Rao A.S, P.R. Joshi, Centre for Research in Planning & Development, Faculty of Arts, The M.S. University of Baroda, India July, (pp 124-130) 2011. 

Conferences, Seminars and Workshops  

  • Neha Taneja and Hitesh Bhatia (2021) A Study on the Influence of Education and Demographic Variables on the Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy (ESE). 14th Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad, February 25-27, 2021.  
  • Neha Taneja and Hitesh Bhatia (2020) Entrepreneurship Education in Indian Context – Relevance and Limitations, Fore International Business Conference (FIBC) 2020 “Future of Business in the New Global Realities” FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India November 27-28, 2020. 
  • Hitesh Bhatia (2020) Promoting Curiosity among the Participants of Micro Economics in Online Classes conducted during Lockdown 2020, Virtual International Conference on World After Covid–19 Economic, Social and Political Transformations, University Business School, Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana, 25th May 2020 
  • Hitesh Bhatia (2019) Recovery of NPA: A Success of Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws in India at ICSSR National Conference on Research and Regulatory Aspects in Accounting, Faculty of Commerce, The M.S.University of Baroda, 17th April, 2019. 
  • Nikita R and Hitesh Bhatia (2019) Study on Bankruptcy Prediction Models of Willful Default Listed Companies in India: Altman Z Score and Ohlson O Score Models in Avnesh, 15th Doctoral Research Conference in Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 5-6 April 2019. 
  • Tiwatne Ashwini  and Hitesh Bhatia (2018) Foreign Direct Investment In India : A Macroeconomic Review at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging Issues in Macroeconomics, Banking and Finance at RBI Endowment Cell and Dept of Business Economics, Faculty of Commerce, The MS University of Baroda, February 18, 2018. 
  • Bhatia Hitesh and Ritu Bhatia (2017) Opportunities and Challenges in Making India Open Defecation free by 2019 at  the International Conference on Transforming India: Initiatives, Challenges and Road Ahead held at the International School of Informatics & Management, Jaipur, 28-29 April, 2017. 
  • Kumar Jayant and Hitesh Bhatia (2016) CSR Funding for Development of Sports in India at UN Sponsored World Economic and Sports Conference held at MS University of Baroda, 7-8th October, 2016. 
  • Bhatia Hitesh (2016) Review of Rural Development in Gujarat:- In Reference to Human Development Indicators Presented at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Co-operatives Contribution towards Rural Development in India in the Dept of Co-operative management and Rural Studies, Faculty of Commerce, The MS University of Baroda, February 7 2016.

Consultancy Project  

  • 2015, Co-Investigator on a Consultancy project title CSR Review and Formulation Study at GACL, March, 2015.

Conference Coordinator  

  • 2021 and 2023, Director, 1st and 2nd National Conference on Managing People, Planet and Profit at School of Business and Law, Navrachana University 
  • 2018-2024, Designed and Directed Entrepreneurship Summit, Finance, HR and Marketing Conclaves at the School of Business and Law, Navrachana University  
  • 2017, Co-convener Second National Conference on ‘Innovating for Development and Sustainability’ at Navrachana University, Baroda 5-6 October 
  • 2017, Designed and Coordinated First Entrepreneurship Summit at Navrachana University, Baroda 28-29 April, 2017. 
  • 2015, Designed and Coordinated First National Conference on ‘Innovating for Development and Sustainability’ at Navrachana University, Baroda 30-31 October. 
  • 2015, Designed and Conducted Symposium on Industry-Academia Partnership  at School of Business and Law, Navrachana University, Baroda, 5 December. 
  • 2013, Organized Conference on Partners in Growth for New Business Ventures’ Jointly with the ‘Institute of Chartered Accountants of India’ at ICAI Bhawan, Atladara, Vadodara, 29-30 November. 


Awards and Recognitions 

  • 2019, Awarded Best Research Paper of the Conference for Recovery of NPA: A Success of Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws in India at ICSSR National Conference on Research and Regulatory Aspects in Accounting, Faculty of Commerce, The M.S.University of Baroda 17th April, 2019. 
  • 2018, Awarded Best Faculty, School of Business and Law, Navrachana University, 2017-18 
  • 2016, Best University Employee Award, Navrachana University, 2015-16 
  • 2016, Awarded Best Faculty, School of Business and Law, Navrachana University, 2015-16 
  • 2015, Awarded Best University Employee, Navrachana University, 2014-15 
  • 2014, Awarded Best University Employee, Navrachana University, 2013-14 
  • 2014, Awarded Best Faculty, School of Business and Law, Navrachana University, 2013-14 
  • 2009, Awarded with Best Faculty Guide Award, ICFAI National College, Vadodara. 
  • 2008, Awarded with Best Faculty Guide Award, ICFAI National College, Vadodara 
  • 2007, Awarded Best Paper of the Conference for Human Development Goals Gujarat 2020 (Jointly with Dr Jayant Kumar) in the 37th Gujarat Economic Conference, Received a cash prize 


Professional Affiliations /Membership 

  • Member Management Committee – Baroda Member Association (BMA) 
  • Resource Person – Export Import Club Vadodara (EXIM) 
  • Chairperson – CII-Young India – SBL NUV Centre  
  • Member – Federation of Gujarat Industries (FGI) 
  • Member – Baroda Productivity Council (BPC) 
  • Resource Person – Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD) 


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