Dr. Minaxi Bhagwat
Assistant Professor
Dr. Minaxi Bhagwat completed her PhD in Education from CASE-Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Her thesis is titled “Developing And Implementing Instructional Strategy On The Structure Of Observed Learning Outcomes (S.O.L.O.) Taxonomy For Mathematics Of Class – IX”. She has done her B.Ed. and M.Ed. from Navrachana College of Education, Baroda. She has done her B.Sc. in Mathematics from the Faculty of Science, The M. S. University of Baroda and M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from Faculty of Technology and Engineering, The M. S. University of Baroda. And MCA from IGNOU, New Delhi.
Dr. Minaxi comes with an experience of 10+ years in several Educational Institutions as Math’s Teacher and research scholar. Prior to joining Navrachana University, she worked with Navrachana College of Education, Eklavya Residential Tribal School and The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, where she contributed in academic, research and administrative tasks.
Academic background/Qualification
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry) from FOS, MSU, Baroda
- Master of Science (Applied Mathematics) from FET, MSU, Baroda
- Master of Computer Application, IGNOU, New Delhi
- Bachelor of Education, NCE, SNDT University, Mumbai
- Mater of Education, NCE, SNDT University, Mumbai
- NET (Education)
- PhD (Education), FEP, MSU, Baroda
- Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication, IGNOU, New Delhi
- Master of Journalism and Mass Communication, IGNOU, New Delhi (pursuing)
Courses taught by the faculty member.
B.Ed. Courses taken till now:
- EDU101 Childhood and Growing up
- EDU106 Understanding Discipline and Subjects (Science)
- EDU108 Understanding Discipline and Subjects (Mathematics)
- EDU111 Initiation into the school set up
- EDU112 On becoming a Professional Teacher
- EDU208 Learner’s engagement with school subject (Science 1)
- EDU210 Learner’s engagement with school subject (Mathematics 1)
- EDU214 Preparation for internship
- EDU215 Self and self-expression
- EDU301 School Internship – I
- EDU304 Learner’s Engagement with School Subject (Science 2)
- EDU306 Learner’s Engagement with School Subject (Mathematics 2)
- EDU310 On becoming a Reflective Teacher -Part 1
- EDU401 School Internship – II
ID / CBCS Courses
- ID – Study Skills- Easy to Difficult
- EDU216 Academic skills: learning to learn
- JMC202 Digital Society: Concerns, Issues and Solutions
- EDU217 Sociology of Cyber World
- RUL001 Applied Ethics
- HUM008 Understanding Human Intelligence
KHOJ Projects
- KHJ111 Livelihood – Concern for PWD (persons with disabilities)
- KHJ159 Indian Traditional Games Kit and Play Corner
- KHJ135 Four Wheeler Parking in Internal Roads of Housing Societies in Vadodara City
Teaching philosophy or approach
My teaching philosophy revolve around fostering personal growth, creative thinking, and all kind of intelligence in students. I prefer student-centered /holistic/ constructivist approach, encouraging students for deep learning, research, to explore their potential and think deeply about their role in future as well in society.
Area of Expertise and Research
- Primary Area: Mathematics Education, Taxonomies in Education, ICT
- Secondary Area: Methods of Teaching and Research
Publications (in the order recent to be first)
List of publications in the chronology (APA Style Guidelines)-
Journal Articles
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Encouraging social media with school education. EduInspire: An International E-Journal (Council for Teacher Education – Gujarat Chapter), 1(1), 12-18. ISSN 2349-7076.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Takshashila. Shikshan Darshan: A Peer Reviewed Journal, 2(4), 22-23. Samashtee Trust. ISSN 2319-202X.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015). Viewing teaching & learning through new scaffold: The S.O.L.O. taxonomy with reference to the conceptual understanding in mathematics. EDUTRACKS: A Monthly Scanner of Trends in Education, 15(4). Neelkamal Publications Ltd. ISSN 0972-9844.
- Bhagwat, M. (2017). Empowering common women through legal education: Awareness is the best remedy. EduInspire: An International E-Journal (UGC Approved Journal No. 64792), 4(2). CTE Gujarat. ISSN 2349-7076.
Books (Editor)
- Auddya, B. (Chief Ed.), Shobita, P. S., Chauhan, B. K., Ramesh, V., Saikh, S., Parveen, R., & Bhagwat, M. S. (Eds.). (2023). Innovation of multidisciplinary research in present and future time (Volume-4). The Hill Publication, West Bengal. ISBN 978-81-962702-3.
Chapter/s in Books
- Bhagwat, M. (2023). Netiquettes and nethics: For human values in the digital world – To become good citizens to the global netizens. In Preparing young India for Industry 5.0 (pp. xx-xx). Bharti Publications. ISBN 978-8119757725.
- Talegaonkar, V., & Bhagwat, M. (2024). Amalgamating insights from Indian knowledge system into contemporary pedagogical practices. In Curriculum, pedagogy & sustainable development: The role of Indian knowledge system (pp. 190-194). Global Academic Publisher, New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-94100-74.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Educational researches in India: Few concerns. In Educational research: Issues & concerns (pp. 375-381). CASE-Dept. of Education, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. ISBN 978-9382498-61-2.
- Bhagwat, M. (2014). Exploring issues & challenges of quality teacher education in India and Canada. In D. Oza & S. Helaiya (Eds.), Higher education (pp. 130-149). APH Publishing Corporation. ISBN 978-93-3132225-8.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015). Knowing publication: Competencies for academic writing and publishing. In C. Panigrahi, H. J. Patadia, & H. S. Mistry (Eds.), Research competency in higher education – Mapping and management (pp. 243-253). Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. ISBN 978-935125-184-2.
- Bhagwat, M. (2020). Educational blogging: Praxis of web-infused teaching-learning practices in teacher education. In L. Sharma (Ed.), Perspectives toward India’s new national education policy (pp. 148-161). Asian Press Books. ISBN 978-939O238-53-8.
- Bhagwat, M. (2020). Hindi poems (i) …. In Chisty (Ed.), Zindagi (pp. 18-19). InkQuills Publishing House. ISBN 978-939O567-40-9.
- Bhagwat, M. (2020). Hindi poems … (ii). In Chisty (Ed.), Zindagi (pp. 18-19). InkQuills Publishing House. ISBN 978-939O567-40-9.
Articles in Magazine
- A Great Social Reformer As Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad-III: For Pioneering Public Libraries To Promote Public Education (Cover Story), CONNECT – The MSU Magazine (Magazine) (2O16), The S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, March – 2O16 Issue – I Univ.
Conferences/Seminars (in the order recent to be first)
- Bhagwat, M. (2024, February 1-3). Exploring Indian traditional games through the lens of health, culture, and education: A research project overview. Paper presented at the Three-Day International Conference on Bharatiya Knowledge Traditions: Continuity and Significance, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India.
- Talegaonkar, V., & Bhagwat, M. (2024, April 1-3). Transition from ODL to non-ODL: Academic performance and challenges of NIOS students in higher education. Paper presented at the International Conference on Perspectives and Innovations in Open and Distance Learning, NIOS, Noida, India, with CEMCA.
- Talegaonkar, V., & Bhagwat, M. (2023, November 26). Professional development of educators for AI-mediated teaching and learning. Paper presented at the International Conference and Networking Event on 21st Century Skills for Teachers, Banasthali University (Deemed University), Rajasthan, India. Hybrid mode.
- Talegaonkar, V., & Bhagwat, M. (2023, October 5). Teacher education in response to AI in education. Paper presented at the International Seminar on UN/UNESCO World Teacher Day on “Global Dynamics in Teacher Education,” ICERT, New Delhi, India, with Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia. Online.
- Bhagwat, M. (2023, June 21). Competition reflects life—Why not prepare children for a competitive world? Paper presented at the 93rd Rajagiri Round Table Conference on “Competence vs. Competitiveness: How shall education landscape in India emerge?” Kochi, India. Online.
- Bhagwat, M. (2023, May 21). UN and UNESCO World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development: “Cultural diversity for sustainable and equitable development.” Paper presented in an online event, ICERT, Delhi, India.
- Talegaonkar, V., & Bhagwat, M. (2024, January 11-12). Amalgamating insights from the Indian knowledge system into contemporary pedagogical practices. Paper presented at the National Seminar on Indian Knowledge System in Education: The Way Forward, Department of Education, FEP, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India.
- Bhagwat, M. (2023, May 29). Webinar on “Documentary Films and Social Issues.” Participated in an online event organized by IGNOU, New Delhi, India.
- Bhagwat, M. (2022, September 23). Inclusion in mathematics education – Annual National Symposium 2022. Participated in the event at GSFC University, Fertilizer Nagar, Vigyan Bhavan, Vadodara, India.
- Talegaonkar, V., & Bhagwat, M. (2023, January 20). Robotic teachers: Some reflections. Paper presented at the conference “Navigating Industrial Revolution 4.0: Unleashing Strategies and Manoeuvring Challenges,” FEP, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Baroda, India.
- Bhagwat, M. (Year). Netiquettes and nethics: For human values in the digital world – To become good netizens to the world citizens. Paper presented at the International Seminar on ‘Ethics and Human Values: The Global Challenge,’ conducted by School of Education, Jaipur National University, Jaipur in collaboration with Council for Teacher Education.
- Bhagwat, M. (2019, March 7-9). “Understand it first!” Pedagogical and assessment practices with SOLO Taxonomy: An overview on an experimental research study. Paper presented at the National Seminar on Learning Outcomes: Best Pedagogical Practices (NSLO 2019), Regional Institute of Education (RIE) (NCERT), Ajmer.
- Bhagwat, M. (2017, April 22). The SOLO hexagons: The graphic organizer for fostering comprehension. Paper presented at the National Level Seminar on ‘Challenges of School Classroom Teaching & Learning in the New Millennium,’ organized jointly by P. P. Savani School, Ankleshwar, and Council for Teacher Education – Gujarat Chapter.
- Bhagwat, M. (2016, February 19-20). Empowering women – Role of RTE and Efforts of CSR for women empowerment. Papers presented at the National Seminar on “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Trends and Opportunities,” organized by UGC-DSA Programme (Phase-III) & Centre for Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility, Faculty of Social Work, MSU of Baroda, under the aegis of Gujarat CSR Authority, Gandhinagar; Gujarat Alkalise & Chemicals, and Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015, March 13-14). Comparative perspectives of social work practices in India & Canada: At micro, mezzo & macro level. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Comparative Perspectives on Social Work Practices in Canada and India,” organized jointly by UGC Centre for Canadian Studies (UGC Area Studies Programme), Faculty of Arts, and Faculty of Social Work, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015, March 9-10). Accentuate the digital infrastructure: Alternative key factor to strengthening higher education in India. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Higher Education: Expectation & Expression,” conducted by CASE, FEP, MSU.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015, February 27-28). Reviving in-service teacher education: Mandatory requirement for RTE. Paper presented at the UGC SAP-National Seminar on “Teacher Education 2015+,” conducted by CASE, FEP, MSU.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015, January 18). Mathematics teacher education: From research perspectives. Paper presented at the ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Qualitative Research & Its Application,” organized by Shri H. Shah Maitri Vidyapeeth Mahila College of Education, Surendranagar, Gujarat.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015, January 10). Mathematics teacher education: Concern for its delinkages with researches in mathematics and An overview on current state of higher education in India. Papers presented at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Perspectives in Higher Education,” organized by Faculty of Education & Psychology, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2015, March 9-10). Accentuate the digital infrastructure: Alternative key factor to strengthening higher education in India. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Higher Education: Expectations & Expressions,” CASE, Faculty of Education and Psychology, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India.
- Bhagwat, M. (2014, October 14-15). Positive discipline: Preventative measures for misconduct without corporal punishment. Poster presented at the National Seminar on “Discipline with Dignity and Child Rights,” organized jointly by the Faculty of Community & Family Science, MSU of Baroda, and UNICEF.
- Bhagwat, M. (2014). Women education & empowerment: Influences from shades of women emerged & reflected through small screens. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Children and Women in Media: Issues & Perspectives,” organized by Home Science Extension Communication Alumni Association & Department of Extension and Communication, Faculty of Family and Community Sciences, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2014). Knowing publication: Competencies for academic writing & publishing. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Researcher Competency: Mapping & Management,” organized by CASE, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2014). Requisition of competencies for teachers to conquer malpractices & maintaining peace. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Teacher Competency: Mapping & Management,” organized by CASE, MSU of Baroda under UGC-SAP.
- Bhagwat, M. (2014). Coming crossroads in teacher education: Quality concerns. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Education at Crossroads,” organized by Shree Machhi Mahajan Education Society’s College of Education in association with Council for Teacher Education- Gujarat Chapter.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Women and Millennium Development Goals: A social work response. Paper presented at the International Conference-2014, collaboratively organized and hosted by Faculty of Social Work, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Concerns & policy perspectives for inclusive higher education in India. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Relevance of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan,” organized by Akhil Bharatiya Rashtriya Shaikshik Mahasangh (ABRSM) and MSVSS.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Reflections on promotion of humane education with Vivekananda’s perceptions at school level. Paper presented at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Incorporation of Swami Vivekananda’s Thoughts in the Curriculum of Contemporary Education System.”
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Blogging the teaching learning. Paper presented at the ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Towards Practices of Teacher Education,” organized by N.H. Patel College of Education, Anand.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Navigating teachers to ‘Edutech Teachers: By giving exposure to some ICT-Tools, Techno-savvy teachers need to be competent with TPACK, and Professionalisation of teacher education in India: Curriculum introspection. Papers presented at the National Seminar on ‘Emerging Paradigms of Teacher Education,’ organized by CASE, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Educational researches in India: Few concerns. Paper presented at the National Seminar on ‘Educational Research: Issues & Concerns’ under UGC-SAP, conducted by CASE, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). Exploring issues & challenges of quality teacher education in India and Canada. Paper presented at the National Seminar on ‘Quality Assurance Practices in Higher Education: India and Canada,’ jointly conducted by Centre for Canadian Studies, Faculty of Arts, and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2013). (Changing focus) Change from teaching to learning: Professionalizing the teachers. Paper presented at the National Seminar on ‘Education for Change: Implications for Teacher Education,’ conducted by Navrachana University-Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2012). Reframing the taxonomy of educational skills to incorporate 21st century skills. Paper presented at the National Seminar for ‘Taxonomy of Educational Skills,’ organized by CASE, MSU of Baroda.
- Bhagwat, M. (2008). A study of the current instructional practices in the schools of Vadodara city – A research initiative. Paper presented at the National Seminar on “Wholistic Teacher Education,” organized by CASE, MSU of Baroda.
Training/Workshops (in the order recent to be first)
- Resource Person for Faculty Induction Program (FIP) for New Faculty at NUV – 16th June 2024.
- Resource Person for Faculty Induction Program (FIP) for New Faculty at NUV – August 2023.
Awards/Honors (in the order recent to be first)
- Award Winner of the “Gujarat Government Technology in Education Awards” with support from Intel Teach program in the Individual category for the ‘Best Use of Technology in Education’ for the year 2OO6 and awarded by the Education Minister (Anandiben Patel) for the Gujarat State. Participated from Navrachana College of Education, Baroda – SNDT University, Mumbai during my B.Ed. 2OO6-2OO7 course.
- “ECO Fair 2OO9 – Model Presentation” Won the First prize at district level. Model prepared & presented by the team of MGGIES students under my guidance & supervision.
- Astronomical Project on “Chandrayaan” prepared by me and my students of MGGIES was appreciated most at district level by Manthan Lok Vigyan Kendra & GUJCOST / DST – Gandhinagar and we were selected to participate & present the district at NCSC National Astronomy Camp – 2O1O conducted on “National Camp on Annual Solar Eclipse Observation” at Kanyakumari. The three days camp was organized jointly by Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science & Technology(DST)-Govt. of India, New Delhi and Tamilnadu Science & Technology Centre-Chennai.
- Mathematical models (based on Pie chart, Trigonometry and Series) prepared with MGGIES team efforts were selected through district level Math-Science Fair- 2O1O in order to exhibit at National Science Congress – 2O1O, Science City – Ahmedabad.
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