Events and Activities
- One-Day Workshop with DELNET entitled ‘Transforming and Empowering Libraries, LIS Professionals and Users: Emerging Trends’ January 22, 2024
Organized One-Day Workshop in collaboration with DELNET, Vadodara on Monday, January 22, 2024. The Workshop entitled ‘Transforming and Empowering Libraries, LIS Professionals and Users: Emerging Trends’Highlight DELNET Resources and Services; DELNET Delplus Software Support for Library Automation; Academic Integrity: How to Stop Plagiarism in Academic Environment and Use of DrillBit; Enhancing Users’ Satisfaction in Libraries and Soft Skills for LIS Professionals.
- Conclave Reimagining Library January 20, 2024
Conclave on Changing Landscape of University Governance: Challenges and Opportunities.Keynote address by Dr.Shailesh Yagnik. Panel.Invited Talk by Sangeeta Kaul’ Transformating libraries, empowering user through library networking: role of DELNET’.Panel discussion on ‘Managing HEI’s libraries in contemporary digital environment:challenges & opportunities.
- Book exhibition and book review 21st March - 22nd March 2023
Organize a Book exhibition is to provide an open platform to NUV faculty members, students, and staff members to know the latest published books in our respective subject areas/disciplines as well as various books in General reading (other than academics).
- Celebrated National Library Week 16th November to 18th November 2022
Organized various events i.e. Book Reviews by students and faculty of NUV, workshop on writing and talk by authors and scholars. The weeklong celebration organized to provide a platform to engage in discussion, deliberation and dialogue with readers, writers, scholars, and thinkers. Also launched the Reader’s and Writer’s (RAW) Club.
- Celebrated National Librarians 'Day - 2021
Organized National Webinar on 12th August 2021 on the theme ‘Emerging Trends in Libraries: Strategies for the New Normal’ in association with Society for Information Research and Studies (SIRs), New Delhi Invited Speakers -Dr. Shailesh Yagnik, Sr. Advisor, MICA Knowledge Exchange and Information Centre and MICA Indian Marketing Intelligence Project, Ahmedabad and Dr. Shantanu Ganguly, Chief Librarian, B B Dikshit Library, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi.
- Library Thematic Display
NUV Library has designed and developed a portal to display open access books and other information sources on remarkable days. Click here to visit website
- Virtual Book Catalogue Exhibition - June,2021
NUV Library has designed and developed a unique online platform – Virtual Book catalogue Exhibition aiming to inform NUV faculty about latest book catalogues with brief details of books. Click here to visit website
- Talk on Responsibility Manipulation and Participation in Global Digital Spaces
Organised Talk on Responsibility Manipulation and Participation in Global Digital Spaces speaker was Dr. Yash Chawla, Faculty, Innovation and Marketing Management at Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Poland on June 30, 2021.
- Celebrated World Book Day 23rd Apri 2021
Organized Author Talk and Book Talk – Author Talk by Shri Ajay Sarvaiya (Poet, Short story writer and Novelist) on “Fact and Fiction: Creative reflections of the author” Book Talk by Prof. Navin Sinha (SBL Faculty, NUV) on Book “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant, Book Talk by Devanshu Chattopadhyay (BA-JMC Student,NUV) on Book “Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe” on 23rd April 2021.
- Talk on Digital Anthropology and its Significance to India: Understanding Local Digital Contexts through the Lens of Gender
Organized talk on Digital Anthropology and its Significance to India: Understanding Local Digital Contexts through the Lens of Gender”, speaker was Ms. Aparna Nampoothiri, Scholar pursuing research on Digital Feminism at IIT Gandhinagar on 19 February 2021.
- Talk on Flirting with Fakeness: Digital Narration in a post-truth milieu
Organised Talk on Flirting with Fakeness: Digital Narration in a post-truth milieu, speaker was Dr.Nishant Shah Professor, Aesthetics & Cultures of Technology, Director Research, ArtZ University of the Arts, The Netherlands, Knowledge Partner, Digital Earth Project, Hivos, Mentor, Feminist Internet Research Network, APC on 30 December 2020 as a part of Vichar Vimarsh: NUV Idea Fest’20.
- To Commemorate National Librarians’ Day Organized Webinar on “Measuring Research Output and Promoting Research Visibility” and Virtual Launching of “NavGyan : An Open Knowledge Gateway”, Initiative of Navrachana University Library on 12th August 2020
- Webinar on Operational Aspects of Urkund - Plagiarism Detection Software organized on 13th May 2020
- Webinar on Books the Constant Companion to commemorate World Book Day organized on 24th April 2020
- Webinar on Explore Harvard Ascend and EBSCO resources organized on 22nd April 2020.
- Webinar for training and awareness of Ant-Plagiarism software –URKUND
Navrachana University has taken the License of Anti Plagiarism software – URKUND, which is recommended by UGC /INFLIBNET. For the awareness and training purpose of Anti Plagiarism software, a webinar organized by NUV Library in collaboration with eGALACTIC service – provider of URKUND, on 16th May 2019.URKUND is owned and developed by Prio Infocenter AB, Sweden and eGALACTIC is the service provider of URKUND.
- Book Talk (Celebrating World book Day)
NUV library and Journalism program jointly organized a Book Talk event to commemorate World Book Day.
- Orientation and hands-on training of EBSCO management database
NUV Library organized orientation program and hands-on training of EBSCO Management database which subscribed by Navrachana University Library. This database includes 128-academic journals, 120-Magazines,209 Trade publications,20 books,3 Monographs. Total 457 resources can be accessed from the database. The aim of this training was to inform / aware about EBSCO management database and how to search and retrieve required information/resources for your academic and research purpose.
- Virtually launching event of Institutional Digital Repository (IDR) of NUV (Celebrating National Librarians’ Day)
NUV Library organized Virtual launching ceremony of NUV – Institutional Digital Repository on the 12th August 2016 on the Occasion of celebrating Birth Anniversary of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan (Father of Library Science).This day is observed as National Librarians’ Day in India.
NUV Institutional digital Repository has been created to collect, preserve and distribute the scholarly output of Navrachana University. This will work as an important tool to facilitate scholarly communication and preserve the institutional knowledge. Also it will be helpful in exchanging/sharing ideas with likeminded researchers across the globe. The NUV Library proud to host the repository and work for the dissemination and preservation of knowledge resource of Navrachana University community. NUV–IDR can be accessed from National Digital Library. NUV IDR @National Digital Library
National Digital Library (NDL) is the project of MHRD managed by IIT Kharagpur. National Digital Library is one of the missions of our Prime Minister Shri Narandra Modi.
- Orientation -Manupatra database
NUV Library organizes an Orientation program of Manupatra Database every year. The purpose of this orientation is to make aware new enrolled students as well as existing students for the better use of the database for their academic and research purpose. Manupatra is Law publisher and provider of Legal, Taxation, Corporate, and business Policy content in India.
- Book Display and Poster on remarkable days
NUV Library always encourages users for reading by displaying books according to remarkable days and creative poster with inspirational quotes and messages.
- Library Orientation
Library Orientation makes library users aware of the Library and the services it offers. Library orientation educates users regarding general use of the Library, advertise available services and explain how to use them. Library orientation enables library users to become skilled at finding information and thus foster feelings of confidence and independence. With this understanding NUV Library organizes Orientation every year.
- Book Exhibition
Education is the fusion process of teaching and learning. Collection development is one of the key activities of the Library and the exhibition is one of the best tools, which provides direct connection with the books. NUV Library organizes book exhibition once / twice in a year to enrich the library collection and to make aware faculty and students for new and latest book collection.
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09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
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