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  • Library Guideline
    • The NUV Library follows an open access system.
    • Library use is restricted to only to authorized members of the university with valid University ID. Other visitors need to take permission from Library
    • Silence must be observed in the reading halls.
    • Loose papers and note books can be taken inside the library.
    • Use cell phone in the Library not permitted.
    • Conversation in any part of the library so as to cause annoyance to readers is not permitted.
    • No smoking or spitting in the library is allowed.
    • Please refrain from mark in books and damaging library property.
    • Refrain from shelving books and periodicals as that disturbs the ordering system followed by the library administration.
    • Books or materials taken from the stacks should be kept in the cart to facilitate re-shelving by the library staff.
    • Members who damage books and library property are required to pay for the damage and failure to do so will result in loosing library use privileges.
    • Tearing pages or stealing books will lead to disciplinary action by the University and lose of library use privileges.
    • Library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the University.
    • When entering the library, please leave personal belongings (bags, brief-cases, parcels etc.) and eatable items at the security desk located outside.
    • When leaving the library, please stop at the exit so that the borrowed materials in hand can be checked for ownership.
    • Violation of library rules will lead to the loss of library use privileges.
    • The Librarian reserves the right to suspend those found misbehaving and abusing library staff and property.
  • Transaction Policy
    Category /Patron TypeNumber of BooksLoan PeriodGeneral BooksBack & Loose issue of Serials/ Bound Journal /Rare bookOvernight issueFine Per Day (Rs.)
    U.G. Student27 days1 book for 7 days27 daysCD/Thesis3
    P.G. Student314 days27 daysCD/Thesis3
    Ph.D. Students414 days27 daysCD/Thesis3
    Faculty & Staff6183 days27 daysCD/Thesis3
    Visiting Faculty630 days27 daysCD/Thesis3


    • Rs. 3.00 per day per book will be collected for returning overdue books.
    • Patrons must check for the condition of books because a charge will be imposed for damaged books when returning.
    • A book borrowed can be renewed provided no Patron has placed request for the book.
    • A book can be recalled if a Patron has requested for the book.
    • A Patron can reserve a book by filling out a form at the circulation section.
    • Obtaining No-Due certificate from Library is mandatory when leaving the University.
  • Note for Circulation
    • Issue restricted Text/Reference Books, latest Serial Publications, Reserve Books.
  • Loss of Books
    • Loss of book (s) must be reported immediately.
    • Overdue fine, if any will be charged till the loss of book (s) is reported.
    • If the original book is returned after reporting it lost, the fine will be calculated till the date of its return.
    • Borrower will have to replace the book, if lost/damaged with same / latest edition within 15 days from reporting along with overdue charges otherwise fine will be charged as per . rules from the day 16th.
    • If the lost book is out of print and if the borrower is unable to replace it, he / she will have to pay prevailing cost of the book plus 30% processing fee along with overdue charges.
  • University ID CARD
    • Books can be borrowed only against a valid NUV ID card and Patrons must present the card to borrow books, failing which the library staff can refuse to honor the request.
    • Members should report the loss of NUV ID card to the Circulation staff to avoid misuse.
  • Internet Facility
    • Internet facility in the Library is only for use by the Patrons.
    • Library provides Internet facilities like Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Browsing, Wi-Fi net connection.
    • Use of the internet at the library is for academic and research activities, and subscribed e- resources.
    • Patrons must bring to the notice of the Librarian of misuse of the internet systems.
    • Librarian reserves the right to deny access to internet facility to those who misuse the facility.
  • Reprography Services
    • Photocopying of library documents must observe copyright regulations.
    • Photocopying articles, book chapters and few pages from a thesis are OK; though copying entire journal, theses/dissertation or a book will not be entertained.
    • Users can request for photocopying service is a fee based service offered by the NUV Library.
  • E-Resources
    • Online (Secured Internet) Access to subscribed E-Resources is available in the campus premises (Campus IPs) only and restricted to the Patrons.
    • E-Resources can be used only for Academic purpose (not for commercial purposes).
    • Downloading and printing of E-Resources or an entire journal are prohibited.

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Library Hours

09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Library will remain closed on University declared holidays

Visit Counter: 631846
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