Dr. Amarish Badgujar
Head – SET | Program Chair – ME
Dr. Amarish Badgujar did a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Bombay. He has more than 26 years of experience in Industry and Academia, he is working as Head of the School of Engineering & Technology, at Navrachana University, Vadodara, Gujarat. He is a member of the Indian Society of Technical Education, Indian Cryogenic Council, Marketing Chair of ISHRAE. Dr. Amarish has published more than 40 papers in reputed International and National Journals and conferences and reviewer & editorial board member of reputed International Journals. He has been actively involved in Industry Consultancy work with MNCs and MSMEs. His areas of interest are Refrigeration & Air-conditioning, Composites Materials, Thermal Engineering, Cryocoolers and Cryogenic Engineering. Total Work Experience 26 years
Academic background/Qualification
- PhD – Mechanical Engineering (IIT Bombay, Mumbai)
- MTech – Mechanical Engineering (L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad)
- BTech – Mechnical Engineering (L.E. College, Morbi)
Professional or Industrial Experience
- Industrial Experience – 4 Years
- Teaching & Research – 22 years
Courses taught:
- Refrigeration & Air-conditioning
- Thermodynamics
- Cryogenic Engineering
- Automobile Engineering
- Fluid Machines
- Heat Transfer
Teaching philosophy or approach.
- At present Studio Based Pedagogy has been implemented to deliver various courses to improve the problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, bring out the imaginations and innovations.
Area of Expertise and Research
- Cryogenics, Refrigeration & Air-conditioning, HVAC, Heat Transfer
- Presently working on a project of design and development of Multi stage Pulse tube Cryocooler.
Publications (in the order recent to be first)
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2024) Theoretical & Experimental Investigations on Multistage Stirling type Pulse tube with cold phase shifters 29th National Symphosium on Cryogenics and Superconductivity, IUAC, New Delhi
- Amarish Badgujar, Net Zero Emissions in HVACR Industry, Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering, e-ISBN: 978-93-5747-622-5, IIP Series, Volume 3, Book 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, 251-256
- Adil Khan, Amarish Badgujar, M N Qureshi, “Investigation of CFF/PLA reinforced composites prepared using the sandwich method” Accepted in Int. J. of Materials Engineering Innovation, Inderscience Journals ISSN 1757-2762, IF-1, CODE: IJMATEI-113127.
- Ashish Goyal, Nipun Gautam, Ankit D Oza, Amarish Badgujar and Manisha Makwana, “Study of various optimization techniques by Laser beam and Abrasive jet machining processes” submitted to 3rd Biennial International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME – 2022), paper number: 600, Organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida 3rd – 5th August 2022
- Dipali Pandya, Amarish Badgujar, Nilesh Ghetiya, Ankit Oza, “Characterization and optimization of duplex stainless steel welded by activated tungsten inert gas welding process”, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Springer, Ms. No. IJDM-D-22-00360 Under revision.
- Chawla, S.; Parikh, V. K.; Badgujar, A. D. (2021) Comparative Study Of Microstructure And Microhardness Evaluation Of AA 2014 Reinforced With 5% SiC Particles. 1st International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering(ICMME-2021). Presented on 22nd October, 2021 at HMR Institute of Technology, Delhi.
- Parikh, V. K.; Badheka, V. J.; Badgujar, A. D.; Ghetiya, N. D. Fabrication and processing of aluminum alloy metal matrix composites. Accepted in Material and Manufacturing Processes on 06/04/2021.
- V.K. Parikh, A. D. Badgujar; “Fabrication of AA 6351 + 5% SiC Composite using Stir Casting Process” Vol. 4, Issue 1, Interwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University March (2021). https://nuv.ac.in/wp-ontent/uploads/2021/03/ENGG_01_January_2021.pdf
- Dipali Pandya, Amarish Badgujar & Nilesh Ghetiya (2021) A novel perception toward welding of stainless steel by activated TIG welding: a review, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol: 36 Issue 8, 877-903, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2020.1854467
- Vivek Patel, Nirvesh Mehta, Kamlesh Mehta, Amarish Badgujar, Shreya Mehta & Nisha Bora “Experimental Investigation of Flat Plate Cryogenic Oscillating Heat Pipe” Journal of Low Temperature Physics – a Springer Nature Journal, 198, Pages 41–55(2020) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10909-019-02243-1, IF 1.491.
- D.P. Pandya, A.D. Badgujar, N. Ghetiya, “Effect of Hydrogen addition to shielding gas on activated TIG austenitic stainless steel weld” Materials Today: Proceedings, 47(4) 1025-1029. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.05.569
- D.P. Pandya and A.D. Badgujar, Optimization of Weld Bead Geometry for Flux Bounded
- Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of 316L Stainless Steel, Vol. 2, Issue 2, February 2020 Interwoven pages 56-66 (2020)
- V. K. Parikh, A. D. Badgujar, N. D. Ghetiya (2019), “Joining of Metal Matrix Composites Using Friction Stir Welding: A Review” available online on Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Volume 34, 2019 – Issue 2 pp 123-146, IF: 3.046
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2014) Theoretical and experimental investigations on Stirling-type pulse tube cryocoolers with U-type configuration to achieve temperature below 20 K, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science – Part C 229, Issue 6 PP. 1112-1121 ISSN: 0954-4062. ISSN: 2041-2983, https://doi.org/10.1177/0954406214542490, Thomson Reuters Engineering
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2015) Theoretical and experimental investigation of pressure drop and refrigeration effect in pulse tube cryocooler Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science – Part C 230, Issue 11 PP. 1910-1920 ISSN: 0954-4062. ISSN: 2041-2983, https://doi.org/10.1177/0954406215584393, Thomson Reuters Engineering
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2016) Investigation on Thermal Coupled Three Stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler, Indian Journal of Cryogenics, 41, 75-80, 0379-0479, Thomson Reuters Engineering
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2014) Experimental Investigation of Pressure Drop in Pulse Tube Cryocooler, Indian Journal of Cryogenics, 39, 154-158, 0379-0479, Thomson Reuters Engineering
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2011) Experimental Investigations on Stirling type Two stage Pulse tube Cryocooler with U type Configuration, Indian Journal of Cryogenics, 36, 126-130, 0379-0479, Thomson Reuters Engineering
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2010) Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Flow Straighteners in U-type Pulse Tube Cryocooler Proceedings of 16th International Cryocooler Conference, 16, 211-217, ISBN-13: 978-1934021026, http://hdl.handle.net/1853/38780, Thomson Reuters Engineering
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2011) Development of 20 K Stirling type Two Stage Pulse tube Cryocooler with U Configuration, presented at Asian Cryogenic and Applied Superconductivity Conference
- A. D. Badgujar, Viren Parikh, N. D. Ghetiya (2017) Development of Statistical Model for Predicting Hardness of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys International journal of Advance Science and Engineering Volume 06, Issue 04 PP. 185-190 ISSN: 2319-8354 2319-8346
- A. D. Badgujar, D. P. Pandya, N. D. Ghetiya (2017) Development of Statistical Model for Predicting Hardness of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminium Alloy, International journal of Advance Science and Engineering Volume 06, Issue 04 PP 191-197 ISSN: 2319-835 2319-8346
- A. D. Badgujar(2015) Investigation on Air separation plant design at Cryogenic Temperature Journal of Refrigeration Air conditioning heating and ventilation, 1, 20-25, 2349-2152
- A. D. Badgujar (2016) Experimental Investigation of a Four Stroke Diesel Engine for Varying Fuel Injection Pressure and Compression Ratio, Journal of Automobile Engineering and Applications, volume 3, Issue 3, pg 1-10 ISSN: 2455-3360(online).
- Priyal Sheth, A. D. Badgujar (2015) Developing safety system for monitoring seat belt and controlling speed accordingly to avoid fatal injuries International Journal of Scientific and Research, Vol. 5, issue 10, 1-5, 2250-3153
- A. D. Badgujar (2015) Refrigeration and Air conditioning systems an overview Journal of Refrigeration Air conditioning heating and ventilation, 2, 1-4, 2349-2152
- A. D. Badgujar, H. B. Naik, M. D. Atrey (2015) Experimental investigation on Stirling type thermally coupled three stage pulse tube cryocoolers with ‘U’ type configuration, 25th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Physics, Procedia, 67, 513-517 1875-3892
- A. D. Badgujar, Viren Parikh, N. D. Ghetiya (2017) Development of Statistical Model for Predicting Hardness of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys International conference on Emerging trends in engineering technology science and management, 978-93-86171-38-2
- A. D. Badgujar, Viren Parikh, N. D. Ghetiya (2017) Multi-Objective Optimization of FSW Process Parameter Using MOORA Method International Conference on Production, Mechanical And Automobile Engineering, PP. 19-24, 978-93-85225-88-8
- A. D. Badgujar, D. P. Pandya, N. D. Ghetiya (2017) Multi-objective optimization of activated tig welding process parameters using promethee International Conference on Production, Mechanical And Automobile Engineering, PP. 25-30, 978-93-85225-88-8
- A. D. Badgujar, D. P. Pandya, N. D. Ghetiya (2017) Multi-objective Optimization on the Basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) method for Activated TIG welded Stainless Steel plat , International conference on Emerging trends in engineering technology science and management,978-93-86171-38-2
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2016) Investigation on Thermal Coupled Three Stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler 25th National Symphosium on Cryogenics,41,75-80 2349-2120
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2013) Experimental Investigation of Pressure Drop in Pulse Tube Cryocooler, 24th National Symphosium on Cryogenics, 39,154-158 2349-2120
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2010) Experimental Investigations on Stirling type Two stage Pulse tube Cryocooler with Utype Configuration 23rd National Symphosium on Cryogenics, 36126-130 2349-2120
- A. D. Badgujar, M. D. Atrey (2014) Experimental Investigation on Stirling type single stage and two stage pulse tube cryocooler with U type of configuration. Mechanical Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, 1, 39-40
- Shah Dipal., A.D. Badgujar (2015) Experimental Investigation on capillary tube an expansion device Innovating for development and sustainability
- Priyal Sheth, A.D. Badgujar (2015) Developing motion based car simulator Innovating for development and sustainability
- A. D. Badgujar (2008) Analytical design of tonnage plant for separation of high purity nitrogen, oxygen and argon from atmostpheric air National conference on AFTME
- Keshwani Mukesh P, Jani Deepak S, Chaudhari Ajit N, Badgujar Amarish D (2017) Heat Spreading Characteristics of Heat Sink for Cooling a Concentrated Heat Source National conference on Progress, Research and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering, SCET
- Keshwani Mukesh P, Jani Deepak S, Chaudhari Ajit N, Badgujar Amarish D (2017) Effect of Nano Fluid on Heat Transfer in Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers National conference on Progress, Research and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering, SCET
- Hemnani Sumeet N, Keshwani Mukesh P, Badgujar Amarish D (2017) Evolution of Generation of Biofuels- A Critical Review National conference on Progress, Research and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering, SCET
- Keshwani Mukesh P, Jani Deepak S, Chaudhari Ajit N, Badgujar Amarish D (2017) Numerical Analysis on Thermal Conductivity of Vapor Chamber Using an Iterative Approach International Conference on Research and Innovation in Science Engineering & Technology at BVM Engineering College
- Regularly attend and deliver the training and workshops in the field of refrigeration, air-conditioning and cryogenics.
Awards/Honors (in the order recent to be first)
Reviewer of :
- International Journal of Cleaner Production, Science Direct, Elsevier, IF : 11.1
- International Journal of Cryogenics, Science Direct, Elsevier, IF : 2.1
- International Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, Sage, IF : 2.5
- Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) – Series C, Springer, IF : 3.7
- International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis
- International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Springer
- UGC project grants
- ISHRAE project grants
- Editorial Member of Iterative International Publisher book series
- Editorial Member of Journal of Refrigeration, Air conditioning, Heating and ventilation.
- Presidential Award – ISHRAE Society 23-24
- Samaj Gaurav Purashkar by Badgujar Samaj – 22-23
Professional Affiliations /Membership
- Indian Cryogenic Council – life time member
- Indian Society of Technical Education – Life Time member
- Indian Society of Heating Refrigeration Air-conditioning, Vadodara – CWC member
- CWC member, Marketing Chair – Indian Society of Heating Refrigeration Air-conditioning (ISHRAE: VADODARA CHAPTER)
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