Dr. Varade completed his PhD in Surfactant Science (2002), from Dept. of Chemistry, VNSGU, Surat. His thesis is titled ‘Quaternary Salt Based Cationic Surfactants and their Solution Behavior’ under the supervision of Dr. P. Bahadur which engrossed on numerous key issues from the field of Surfactant Science.
Dr. Varade has over 20 years of experience in Research and about 10 years in teaching and academic coordination. He has worked as a JSPS Fellow in Yokohama National University, Japan, Marie-Curie SOCON Postdoctoral Fellow in University College Dublin, Ireland and CNRS Fellow in University of Paris, France. He has 2 Indian Patents in his name and has published more than 75 Research Papers in Peer-reviewed International Journals in the areas of Surfactants Science and Nanotechnology.
Research and Publications:
Indian Patents:
1. RAJPUT, Gajendra Dineshbhai; JANNI, Devi Sirisha; SUBRAMANYAM, Gayathri;
VARADE, Dharmesh Subhashrao, 201941009653, Thickener Free Surfactant Systems and Applications Thereof, 2020.
2. PANDYA, Niki Rajeshbhai, JANNI, Devi Sirisha; SUBRAMANYAM, Gayathri; VARADE, Dharmesh Subhashrao 201941009212, Surfactant Systems and Methods of Preparations Thereof, 2020.
Selected Research Papers:
1. Gajendra Rajput, Devi Sirisha Janni, Gayathri Subramanyam, Debes Ray, Vinod Aswal, Dharmesh Varade*, “Novel Approach for Tuning Micellar Characteristics and
Rheology of a Sulfate-free Anionic Surfactant Sodium Cocoyl Glycinate” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 129426, 2022.
2. Pandya, Niki; Rajput, Gajendra; Janni, Devi Sirisha; Subramanyam, Gayathri; Ray, Debes; Aswal, Vinod; Varade, Dharmesh*; “SLES/CMEA mixed surfactant system: “Effect of electrolyte on interfacial behavior and microstructures in aqueous media” Journal of Molecular Liquids, 325, 115096, 2021.
3. Varade, D; Haraguchi, K; “Nanocomposite hydrogel as a template for synthesis of mono and bimetallic nanoparticles” Express Polymer Letters, 12, 996-1004, 2018.
4. Haraguchi, Kazutoshi; Varade, Dharmesh; “Platinum–polymer–clay nanocomposite hydrogels via exfoliated clay-mediated in situ reduction” Polymer, 55, 2496-2500, 2014.
5. Varade, Dharmesh; Haraguchi, Kazutoshi; “Novel bimetallic core–shell nanocrystal–
clay composites with superior catalytic activities” Chemical Communications, 50, 3014-3017, 2014.
6. Varade, Dharmesh; Haraguchi, Kazutoshi; “Synthesis of highly active and thermally stable nanostructured Pt/clay materials by clay-mediated in situ reduction” Langmuir, 29, 1977-1984, 2013.
7. Varade, Dharmesh; Abe, Hideki; Yamauchi, Yusuke; Haraguchi, Kazutoshi; “Superior CO catalytic oxidation on novel Pt/clay nanocomposites” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,5, 11613-11617, 2013.
8. Varade, Dharmesh; Haraguchi, Kazutoshi; “Super-thermostable platinum nanoparticles on fluorinated clay” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 16477-16480, 2013.
9. Varade, Dharmesh; Haraguchi, Kazutoshi; “Efficient approach for preparing gold nanoparticles in layered double hydroxide: synthesis, structure, and properties” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 17649-17655, 2012.
10. Varade, Dharmesh; Haraguchi, Kazutoshi; “One-pot synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles and their ordered self-assembly nanostructures” Soft Matter, 8, 3743-3746, 2012.
11. Varade, D; Carriere, D; Arriaga, LR; Fameau, A-L; Rio, E; Langevin, D; Drenckhan, W; “On the origin of the stability of foams made from catanionic surfactant mixtures” Soft Matter, 7, 6557-6570, 2011.
Selected Seminar and Conference Participations:
1. “Foaming Behavior of the Mixed Surfactants System” 69th Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan during September 18-20, 2018 Tsukuba, Japan.
2. “Outstanding Stability of Aqueous Foams Made from Catanionic Surfactant Mixtures” 7th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science (ACCIS 2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 8-11, 2017.
3. “Catalytically Active Bimetallic Nanocrystals in the Presence of Clay” in 6th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science (ACCIS 2015), Sasebo, Japan, 24-27 November 2015.
4. “Synthesis of Highly Active and Thermally Stable Nanostructured Pt/clay Materials by Clay Mediated in Situ Reduction”, ICMAT 2013, Singapore, July1-6, 2013.
5. “In Situ Syntheses and Characteristics of Nanocomposites Containing Noble Metal Nanoparticles”, 61st Symposium on Macromolecules, Nagoya, Japan. 19-21 Sept 2012.
6. “Superstable Foams made from Catanionic Surfactant Mixtures” 8th European Conference on Foams, Emulsions and Application, Sofia, Bulgaria 14-16 July 2010.
7. “Foamability and stability in surfactant mixtures” GdR Mousses, Paris, France, 14-16
October 2009.
8. “SAXS for the Characterization of Nanostructures” UCD NanoBio Workshop Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 13th November 2008.
9. “Self-Assembled Networks of Wormlike Micelles: Cosolvent Effect” Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), Krakow, Poland from 31st August-5th September 2008.
10. “Peculiar Behavior of an Aqueous Mixtures of Hydrophobic Amphiphiles” The 17th International symposium on surfactants in solutions, 2008 (SIS 2008), Berlin, Germany, 17 – 23 August, 2008.
11. “Wormlike Micelles in Tween-80/CmEO3 Mixed Nonionic Surfactant Systems in Aqueous Media”at the 21st Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society
(ECIS) Geneva, Switzerland from the 9-14 of September 2007.
12. “Formation and disruption of worm-like micelles in mixed solvents of different polarity” Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium-2007, ACIS Sydney, Australia on 4-8th Feb 2007.
13. “Disconnected Lamellar Phases (Lα) In Pseudobinary Water – Non-Ionic Surfactant Systems: A General Phenomenon” The 16th International symposium on surfactants in solutions, 2006 (SIS 2006), Seoul, Korea on 4th – 9th June, 2006.
Awards and Recognitions:
· BRNS Research Project Grant, 2019-2022. (30 Lakhs)
· UGC-DAE Research Grant, 2020-2023 (15 Lakhs).
· Industry Funding from ITC, Bangalore (approx. 50 Lakhs), August 2017-2020.
· Research Grant from DST-SERB (38.17 Lakhs), India, Jan 2017-2020.
· Best Oral Presentation Award at AM 2016 conference held in Bangkok, Thailand Nov-2016.
· CNRS Postdoctoral Fellowship, France, 2009
· Marie Curie SOCON Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ireland, 2008
· JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship from Japan Government, Japan (2 years) 2006.
· Research Associateship of CSIR, India (3 years) 2002.
· Project fellow in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai sponsored project. (2 years)
· Project fellow in Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi sponsored project. (18 months)
· Dhanmai Rustomji Gandhi Gold Medal for first rank in College in M.Sc. (2 gold medal)
· Late Rustomjee Aedaljee Malesara & Late Kumee Rustomjee Malesara Memorial Gold Medal for first rank in College in B.Sc
Membership and Affiliations:
- Material Research Society India/ Society for Industrial-Chemistry/ IAAM,
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