Dr. Elizabeth Robin
Associate Professor & Program Chair
Dr. Elizabeth Robin is an Associate Professor as well as Program Chair of Life Sciences in Division of Biomedical and Life Sciences, School of Science, Navrachana University, Vadodara. She has a teaching experience of Seventeen years. She had completed BSc, MSc and PhD in Botany from Department of Botany, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Vadodara, Baroda. She had joined Navrachana University in 2009 as a Lecturer. She was associated with Babaria Institute of Pharmacy as a Lecturer in Pharmacognosy from 2007-2009. She has taught B.Pharm, BSc, MSc, Biomedical Science as well as PhD students during her teaching tenure. She has 4 PhD students under her who are working in the field of Phytochemistry, Agriculture and Ethnomedicine. She was also a Co-Investigator in a project named E-Content for Under Graduate students in Biochemistry, NME ICT, MHRD, India. She has been actively involved in all the university related activities and has been one of the team members for forming a new B.Sc. program with a unique interdisciplinary focus at Navrachana University. She has served as the Subject expert for interviewing candidates under the Recruitment process, representing Gujarat State Tribal Development Residential Education Society. She was the Joint Coordinator of GSBTM`s Post Graduate Biotechnology Capacity Building Cell (PG-N-BT-CBC- South Gujarat Region). She is also the joint co-ordinator of Navrachana Univeristy Centre for Environment, Research and Innovation (NUCERI) as well as for Navrachana Univeristy Centre for Public Health (NUCPH). She has around 22 peer reviewed papers in National and International journals. She is also serving as the School Head of the PhD program of School of Science. Total Work Experience 17 years
Academic background/Qualification
- Ph.D. Botany (2007) – The M. S. University of Baroda.
- M.Sc. and B.Sc. – Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara-390002, Gujarat, India.
Professional or Industrial Experience
- She was associated with Babaria Institute of Pharmacy as a Lecturer in Pharmacognosy from 2007-2009
Dr. Elizabeth Robin teaches the undergraduate as well as Masters students. She has taught courses on Cell Biology, Environment, horticulture, agriculture microbiology, ethnomedicine, plant biochemistry, alternative medicine systems, etc.
Teaching philosophy or approach
Her teaching philosophy is to make the content she teaches more relatable to their daily life. Her teaching practices encourage her students to realize their full potential by providing opportunities, support, feedback, and guidance to achieve the learning outcomes of each course she takes. Students have to inculcate reading habits like reading from newspapers, books, research articles, etc.
Area of Expertise and Research
- Primary Area: Botany. She is working on pharmacognosy and phytochemistry of medicinal plants which have not been scientifically validated.
- Secondary Area: She is working currently in the field of phytotherapeutics and agriculture. She is working on medicinal plants which can be used for treatment of breast cancer and non alcoholic fatty liver disease. In the field of agriculture, she is working on biopesticide formulations and use of endophytes for growing of crops.
She has an ongoing seed grant project on the topic ‘Screening of Opuntia elatior and Curcuma caesia for their phytochemicals and evaluation of their phytotherapeutic potential against Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using in vitro analysis.’
Publications (in the order recent to be first)
List of publications in the chronology (APA Style Guidelines)-
Journal Articles
- Upadhyay, K., Patel, F., Robin, E., Periyasamy, V., Sabapathy, I., Christopher, I., Manikkam, R., Ramachandran, A. V., & Baxi, D (2024), Investigation of Anti-cancer Potential of Solanum virginianum L. Fruit and Leaf Extracts by In Vitro and In Silico Studies, Journal of Natural Remedies, 24(6), 1249–1272.
- Patel F, Upadhyay K, Mammen D, Robin E, Ramachandran AV, Baxi D (2024), Phytochemical composition and antiproliferative activity of Opuntia elatior Mill.: In vitro and in silico studies on breast cancer cell line MCF-7, Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology Vol 12 (1), 117-127
- Foram Patel, Denni Mammen, Elizabeth Robin, Darshee Baxi, (2022) Phytochemicals-a New Pipeline for Anticancer Drug Development, Interwoven 5(1): 35
- K Upadhyay, F Patel, AV Ramachandran, E Robin, D Baxi (2021), Breaching the Barriers of Chemotherapeutics for Breast Cancer with Alternative Medicine, Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction
- Elizabeth Robin and Mammen Daniel (2021) Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Studies on Various Parts of Solanum americanum Mill, GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL
- Elizabeth Robin, Mammen Daniel (2021), An integrated study on the phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy of various parts of Trianthema portulacastrum L., GORTERIA 34 (4): 236 – 254
- Elizabeth Robin, Sameera Patel, Komal Gupta and Mammen Daniel (2021), An in-depth study on various parts of Tribulus Terrestris Linn., one of the famous “Dasamoola” of India, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 10 (1): 1315-1134
- Elizabeth Robin, Sameera Patel, and Mammen Daniel (2020), An in-depth study on the phytochemical and pharmacognostic features of Pedalium murex, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 9 (12) : 1478-1497
- Mammen Daniel, Elizabeth Robin (2020), A novel anomalous spiral secondary growth in roots of Trianthema portulacastrum L., Indian Journal of Applied Research 10(5): 1-2
- N Deshpande, H Pradhan, E Robin, A Deshpande, (2019) Adult Learning for Continuing Professional Development among Dental Practitioners, International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews 8 (1), 2230-2237
- Deshpande, Neeraj, Anshula Deshpande, Elizabeth Robin (2018) Validation of a need assessment tool for the continuing professional development amongst dental practitioners. International Journal of Scientific Research 7(3): 24-25.
- Popat, Shilpa, Darshee Baxi, Elizabeth Robin (2016), Assessment of Dietary Habits, Lifestyle, and Stress Aspects of University Students, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi
- Deshpande, Neeraj & Deshpande, Anshula & Robin, Elizabeth. (2017). Evaluation of ICT skills of Dental Educators in the Dental Schools of India- A questionnaire study, Journal of Contemporary Medical Education. 4(4): 149-152.
- Daniel M., Elizabeth Robin (2011), Phytochemical and pharmacognostic studies on the bark and leaves of Barringtonia acutangula Gaertn, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2(1): 128-133
- Daniel, Elizabeth, Susy Albert and M. Daniel (2010), Chemotaxonomical studies on some members of the Myrtaceae, International Journal of Bioscience Reporter, Current Bio Sciences Association, 8(1): 95 – 98.
- Daniel, Elizabeth, Susy Albert and M. Daniel (2010), Chemotaxonomical studies on some members of the Rhizophoraceae, International Journal of Bioscience Reporter, Current Bio Sciences Association, 8(1): 27 – 29
- Daniel, Elizabeth, Susy Albert and M. Daniel (2005), Chemotaxonomic studies on some members of the Lythraceae, International Journal of “BioScience Reporter.” 3(2): 194- 196
Chapter/s in Books
- Foram Patel, Tejal K. Gajaria, Elizabeth Robin, Darshee Baxi, (2024), Emerging trends in herbal formulation based on medicinal plants and algae in cancer therapeutics: A modern era perspective, In Drug Discovery Update, Herbal Formulations, Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy, Elsevier, Pages 43-53
- Daniel, Elizabeth, Susy Albert and M. Daniel (2007), Studies on the biomarkers of Ammania baccifera Linn. and Lawsonia inermis Linn. In Herbal Technology: Recent Trends and Progress (M.Daniel Ed.) Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, pp.129- 136
- Daniel, Elizabeth, Susy Albert and M. Daniel (2007), Chemical and Pharmacognostic characters of Lagerstroemia flos reginae andWoodfordia floribunda. In Herbal Technology: Recent Trends and Progress (M.Daniel Ed.) Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, pp. 93 -100
Conferences/Seminars (in the order recent to be first)
- XLVI All India Botanical Conference of Indian Botanical Society and International Symposium on Plant Science and Sustainable Future -2023, Indian Botanical Society Department of Botany, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, 4th-6th November, 2023
- International Conference on Environment, Sustainable Development and Human Health, SRK Govt. PG College, Rajsamand, Rajasthan, 16th – 17th December 2022
- International Conference On “Reproductive Biology, Comparative Endocrinology & Development’ Organized by CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad and Hyderabad Central University (HCU), September 14-16, 2022
- International Conference on Organic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Navrachana University, 24th – 27th February 2022
- International Conference on Environment, Sustainable Development and Human Health, SRK Govt. PG College, Rajsamand, Rajasthan, 16th – 17th December 2022
- XXXII Annual Conference for Angiosperm Taxonomy and National Symposium on ‘The Contribution of Angiosperm Diversity to Human Wellbeing and the Risks Associated with Its Decline’, Department of Botany, Karnatak University;s, Karnatak Science College, Dharwad, Karnataka, 11th to 13th November 2022
- National Conference on Reproduction and Endocrinology, Department of Studies in Genetics and Genomics, University of Mysore, Mysuru, 28th – 30th December 2021
- National Consultation Meet on Sustainability in Context of Early Childhood Education, NCERT, New Delhi, November 21-22, 2017
- National Seminar on Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Baroda Obstetric and Gynaecological Society, Vadodara, 7-8 October 2017
- National Conference on Innovating for Development and Sustainability, Navrachana University, 30-31 October, 2015
- National Conference on Innovating for Development and Sustainability, Navrachana University, 5-6 October, 2017
- National conference on Biodiversity Conservation: Challenges Ahead, Dept. of Botany, M.S.U., December 19 – 20, 2010
- National conference on Biodiversity of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Collection, Characterization and Utilization”, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, November 24-25, 2010.
- National Seminar on Emerging Areas In Plant Sciences, Dept. of Botany, M.S.U., 22nd Feb., 2009
- Herbal Technology: Recent Trends and Progress, Dept. of Botany, M.S.U., Feb 22 – 24, 2005.
- Hands-on Workshop on “Advance techniques in Life Sciences”, 9th to 11th March 2022, Navrachana University, Vadodara
- Online certificate program to nurture innovation and incubation manager, “Nurturing Innovation and Startup Ecosystem (NISE) organized by i-Hub, a Gujarat Govt. Enterprise from 8/9/2020 to 24/9/2020.
- Attended a Faculty Development Program organized by Navrachana University, Vadodara in association with BSE Brokers Forum, Mumbai on 16th May, 2015.
- Nuclear Technology; Shaping the future of the nation, Navrachana University-BARC- mumbai, Vadodara, 25-26 August 2014.
- A workshop on Multiple Intelligence: A theory for Everyone, Navrachana University, Vadodara, 18th October, 2013.
- ‘Accountability & Responsiveness in Scientific Organizations’, Academy of Human Excellence, 12th – 16th March 2012
Professional Affiliations /Membership
- IAAT (Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy),
- Vigyan Gurjari
- SRBCE (Society For Reproductive Biology And Comparative Endocrinology),
- IBS (Indian Botanical Society)
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