Completed Ph.D. (2010) from the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Subject was “Avifauna of urban area: its significance and implication under various human disturbances.” (http://hdl.handle.net/10603/60642). Internationally recognized Certified Restoration Practitioner by SER and an Ecologist who careered her passion for biodiversity conservation, management, and restoration of the ecosystem. After completing a doctorate in Zoology. Worked with the Gujarat Ecology Society, (GEC), Vadodara, Gujarat. She is also the founder of the partnership firm, CNEW, Centre of Ecosystem and Well-being which works for conservation, management, and restoration and deals with organic farmers. She also works for an international organization, SER (Society Ecological Restoration) as a judging panel, goals and governing council, and moderator for webinars. She works on different projects like the conservation of the Houbara bustard, and the avifaunal diversity of coastal areas of Gujarat, and also tries to restore the barren land of one of the villages of Vadodara district. She has more than 15 years of research diversity of different ecosystems (forest, wetland, desert, grassland, river). and more than 5 years in teaching experience. She conducts training, workshop, internship programs for different stakeholders like students, business people, industrialists, scientists, and restoration practitioners.
Total Work Experience+: 15 years Experience (Teaching: 6 years + Research 12 Years)
Academic background/Qualification
Professional or Industrial Experience
- Work with Gujarat Ecology Society (GEC), Vadodara, Gujarat for different projects sponsored by MOEF, MOEFCC, IUCN, (Gujarat Biodiversity State Board) GBSB, GMDC related to biodiversity, conservation, management, and restoration projects for 10 years.
- I have taken Environment Science, Ecology, Biostatistics, Wildlife Biology, and Ornithology and brief about organic/natural farming. In my opinion, teaching is a skill through which anyone can share or discuss proper knowledge to the next generation, which helps to build further career profiles as well as professional and personal. Further, teaching should be like the Gurukul system, (i.e. skill-based knowledge like reading, writing, photography, driving, health, application-based research etc.)
Area of Expertise and Research
- Primary Area: Ecology, Biodiversity, Ornithology, Environment Science, Restoration Practitioner
- Secondary Area: Restoration of Soil by Native Vegetation, Wetland ecologist, agrobiodiversity and key species related to ecosystem
Publications (in the order recent to be first)
List of publications in the chronology (APA Style Guidelines)-
Journal Articles
- Naria, K. Rathod J and Patel H. 2023. Golden Eagle in Gujarat, with a note on its historical status and distribution in western India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 18(2): 1229-1233. https://www.munisentzool.org/Issue/publish/golden-eagle-in-gujarat-with-a-note-on-its-historical-status-and-distribution-in-western-india_14019n
- Rathod J.Y, Patel T. R., Sankhwal A., Lakhmapurkar J. (2017) Rapid assessment of butterflies around Korba town, Chhattisgarh, India. Bugs R All#161. In: Zoo’s Print 32(9): 8-12. https://zoosprint.org/index.php/zp/article/view/350
- Sangita Patel, Rahul Khokhariya , Greenam Tarani, Jagruti Rathod, Deya Ghosh Chatterji Jesal Patel 2023. Association between Reverse Osmosis Water and Heart Diseases,Back Pain and Joint Pain. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. Vol.
- Rathod Jagruti and Padate Geeta (2017). Feeding Guilds of Urban Birds of Vadodara City. in “International Journal of fauna and Biological study.” Vol 4 (4), Part-B, Pp. 78-85.
- Jagruti Y. Rathod and Deepa J. Gavali (2017). Decadal study of Avifaunal Diversity of Banni Grass land, Katchchh, Gujarat, India. Biolife. 5(1), pp 53-59. http://biolifejournal.com/51.10%20rathod21%2053-59.pdf
More research papers:
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=xYnynmQAAAAJ
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jagruti-Rathod-2
- Krup A., Rathod J., Patel A. Paper presentation at 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration” held at Darwin, Australia 26th – 30th September, 2023 “Rapid assessment of Avifaunal diversity of Organic farm of Vadodara, Gujarat, India (Soil restoration)”
- Hospitality and management committee: International Conference on Molecular Medicine, Reproduction and Endocrinology (ICMMRE-23) date 13 -16th September 2023.
- Selected for Poster presentation, “Awareness amongst Villagers for Wetland Restoration and its importance: Fight against Climate change, Gujarat, India” selected as a judge for student presentation at SER, 8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration at Cape Town, South Africa, from 24th-28th September 2019. Organized by Society for Ecological Restoration.
- Selection of Oral Presentation at Rathod J., Shankwal A., Patel I., Shah D., and Gavali D. “ Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (SERA2018) held from 25th – 28th September 2018 Organized by the University of Queensland and Curtin University, Brisbane, Australia.
- Jagruti Y. Rathod and Geeta S. Padate (2007). “A Comparative Study of Avifauna of a Sub-Urban Wetlands and an Irrigation Reservoir of SavaliTaluka, District Vadodara.” Published in proceeding of 12th World Lake Conference “Taal 2007” World Lake Conference organized by the Lake international and MoEF India held in Jaipur, India from 28th October to 2nd November 2007.
- National Symposium on Vulture Conservation organized by Bird Conservation Society of Gujarat (BCSG), Jivdaya Charitable Trust (JCT) on 29th September 2024 at at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Invited to attained one-day seminar on Gujarat – Migration Freeway: The Problems and Challenges at Forest Research & Training Institute Gandhinagar on 28th November 2018. Organized by Forest department.
- Paper presentation at “Capacity building for Conservation in Asia” on 8th to 21st March 2017 at Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharastra. Organized by ERT Conservation, Indian Herpetological Society, and Savitribai Phule Pune University.
- Attended Five workshops, one training program, one symposium, and two seminars related to avian biology and their habitats during research work.
- Eighteen papers presentations at different national and international conferences during research work.
- Travel grant by SER for 10th World Conference, “Nature and people as one Celebrating & Restoring Connection at Darwin Australia from 26th -30th September 2023. Presentation on Rapid assessment of Avifaunal diversity of Organic farm of Vadodara, Gujarat, India (Soil restoration).
- Travel grant by United Way of Baroda, for 8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration at Cape Town, South Africa, from 24th-28th September 2019.
- Fees sponsored by Jungle Escape NGO, Banglore for 8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration at Cape Town, South Africa, from 24th-28th September 2019.
- Travel grant by Centre for International Co-operation in Science (CICS) in 2016 3rd International Conference World Water Resources and Wetland” in Tulcea, Romania from 8th to 10th September 2016.
- Received the RFSMS (Research Fellowship in Sciences for Meritorious Students) UGC (University Grant Commission, Delhi, India) scholarship from July 2007 to February 2009.
Professional Affiliations /Membership
- Reviewer panel of Journal of Threatened Taxa from March 2024
- Recognized as a member of IUCN CEC and CEM (The International Union for Conservation of Nature) Portal from December 2018.
- Associate Editor in “Prithivya” online newsletter published by WCV Research Foundation & WCB Research Lab from Arpil 2021.
- Member of “Society for Ecological Restoration” (www.ser.org/login.aspx) Brisbane, Australia from 18th July 2018.
- Member of Indian Bird Conservation Network (IBCN) since March 2017.
- Member of Bird Conservation of Gujarat (BCSG), Gujarat India since 2008.
- SER (Society for Ecological Restoration, USA)
- Core Team of Asian group by SER (Society for Ecological Restoration) since January 2023. https://www.ser.org/
- Secretary of SER-Natural Regeneration Network of SER from January 2023 https://www.ser.org/page/Sections
- Goals and Governing council of CERP (Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner) by SER from January 2022. https://www.ser.org/page/CERPProgramOverview
- Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) by SER Society for Ecological Restoration from January 2021.
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