Dr Monisha Kottayi, is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Biomedical and Life Sciences at School of Science. She has 17 years of experience in Teaching and Research and is working with Navrachana since 2017. She has been involved in the Undergraduate and Post Graduate teaching for Biomedical Science, Life Science and Microbiology. Her doctoral work focused on the defense gene expression in Arachis hypogaea L. and its biochemical expression. Her doctoral work was funded by BRNS-DAE (Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences-Dept of Atomic Energy) in collaboration with B.A.R.C. Her present research focusses on Biotransformation studies in Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze. and Ocimum basilicum L. using an in vitro approach and Host pathogen interactions in Sorghum bicolor and Zea mays. She is presently working as a co-investigator on the project titled, “Deciphering the effect of Toxicants in the Marine Sentinel Edible Species: A Biomonitoring Approach” funded by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission, Govt. of Gujarat. Total Work Experience+: 17 years
Academic background/Qualification
- MSc (Botany with specialization in Cytology and Genetics): R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Triple Gold medalist.
- PhD (Botany): R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur: “Defense gene expression in Arachis hypogaea and its exploitation for selection of resistance to leaf spot disease”
Professional or Industrial Experience
- Worked as a Technical Executive Grade I at The National Biodiversity Authority of India (NBAI), Taramani, Chennai.
Courses taught by the faculty member.
- Cell biology using model making exercises
- Nutritional Studies using video lessons and day to day examples as a part of electives
- Genetics with problems on gene mapping and ratios
- Plant Morphology and Anatomy with field-based studies
- Industrial Microbiology laboratory and Microbial Enzymology laboratory for BSc and MSc students
- Plant embryology laboratory coupled with field exercises
- Alternative medicine laboratory course with visit to naturopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture therapy
- Engaged students with case studies and literature in Research Methodology
- Plant development, Embryology, Stress response and Defense
Area of Expertise and Research
- Primary Area: Plant defense, Plant tissue culture
- Secondary Area: Biotransformation studies, Assessment of heavy metals and microplastics of Gujarat coast
List of publications in the chronology (APA Style Guidelines)-
Journal Articles
- Naphthalene Acetic Acid and 6- Benzylaminopurine induced Phenolics, Flavonoids and Terpenoids in shoot cultures of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit and callus cultures of Ocimum basilicum (L.) Plant Science Today (online) https://doi.org/10.14719/pst.2823.
- Amin, N., Kottayi, M., Parmar, K., & Patel, V. (2019). Evaluation of medicinal constituents and properties of Linum usitatissimum, Prosopis juliflora and Guizotia abyssinica. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(4): 2238-2244 ISSN: 2278-4136.
- Monisha K, D. D. Saoji, S. E Pawar, A. D. Choudhari (2018) Incidence of leaf spot disease caused by Cercosporidium personatum in resistant, susceptible and hybridized population of groundnut cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol. 10, No. 10: 513-517. ISSN: 1916-9760.
- Monisha K, Nirali A, Vandita P, Khyati P (2013) Phytochemical determination and evaluation of antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic effects in selected medicinal plants. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research 4(3): 69-76. Online ISSN: 0975-7066.
- Vandita P, Nirali A, Khyati P, Monisha K (2013) Effect of phytochemical constituents of Ricinus communis, Pterocarpus santalinus, Terminalia belerica on antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activity. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 5 (2): 47-54.
Chapter/s in Books
- Tejas G, Rahul L, Pallavi T, Ankita D, Monisha K and Parth P (2024) Biotechnological Advancements in ecotoxicology pertaining to Marine Biome. In Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. (pp 155-156 ) IIP International.
- Kottayi, M., & Abhyankar, K. (2022). Ergosterol. In Biotic Elicitors (pp. 133-137). Humana, New York, NY.
- Biotic Elicitors, Production Purification and Characterization, Dhruti Amin, Natarajan Amaresan, Sanket Ray, Springer: Humana Press, New York.
- Abhyankar, K., & Kottayi, M. (2022). Flagellin. In Biotic Elicitors (pp. 35-39). Humana, New York, NY.
- Abhyankar, K., & Kottayi, M. (2022). Victorin. In Biotic Elicitors (pp. 41-46). Humana, New York, NY.
- Kottayi, M., & Abhyankar, K. (2022). Coronatine. In Biotic Elicitors (pp. 139-143). Humana, New York, NY.
- Abhyankar, K. S., & Kottayi, M. (2022). Estimation of Jasmonic Acid Using Non-pathogenic Microbes Jasmonic Acid. In Practical Handbook on Agricultural Microbiology (pp. 289-298). Humana, New York, NY.
- Oral presentation at XLVI All India Botanical Conference of the Indian Botanical Society and International symposium on Synergy in Plant Science and Sustainable Future 2023 at PG Department of Botany Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati from November 4-6, 2023. Topic: Role of Plant Growth Regulators in Induction of Phytochemicals in Shoot Cultures of Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze. and Callus Cultures of Ocimum basilicum L.
- Oral presentation at XLVI All India Botanical Conference of the Indian Botanical Society and International symposium on Synergy in Plant Science and Sustainable Future 2023 at PG Department of Botany Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati from November 4-6, 2023. Topic “Seasonal Variation of metabolites in Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze. and Ocimum basilicum L.”
- Poster presentation at 32nd Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and National Symposium on The Contribution of Angiosperm Diversity to Human Wellbeing and the Risks Associated with its Decline on the topic, “Understanding the Phylogeny of Ocimum basilicum L. and Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze.: A DNA barcode Approach” from 11th to 13th November 2022.
- Poster presentation at National Conference on Climate, Community and Conservation, held from 26-27th September 2022 at Navrachana University on the topic, “Conservation Assessment of Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze and Ocimum basilicum.L.
- Poster presentation “Impact of different music on saplings of Bixa orellana”, at the XXVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm taxonomy and International Symposium on Conservation of Angiosperm Diversity: Hidden Treasure of today and tomorrow held from 29-31 October 2018 at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
- Poster presentation on “Qualitative analysis of sugars from the nectar of selected flowering plants, at the XXVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm taxonomy and International Symposium on Conservation of Angiosperm Diversity: Hidden Treasure of today and tomorrow held from 29-31 October 2018 at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
- Poster presentation on “Quantitative analysis of sugar from flower nectaries”, at the XXVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm taxonomy and International Symposium on Conservation of Angiosperm Diversity: Hidden Treasure of today and tomorrow held from 29-31 October 2018 at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
- Poster presentation at Bhartiya Vigyan Sammelan BVS, 2023 being held from 21/12/2023 to 24/12/2023 at Science City, Ahmedabad, Gujarat under theme Life Sciences. Title: “Effect of abiotic elicitors on levels of selected phytochemicals in vitro cultures of Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze.
- Hands-on-workshop on Molecular diagnostics from 20th to 22nd December 2022 held at Navrachana University.
- Resource person for a Faculty Development workshop on Book Publication at D.Y. Patil School of Hospitality & Tourism Studies, Nerul, Navi Mumbai on 3/12/2022.
- Online certificate program to nurture innovation and incubation manager, “Nurturing Innovation and Startup Ecosystem (NISE) organized by i-Hub, a Gujarat Govt. Enterprise from 8/9/2020 to 24/9/2020.
- Resource person in the workshop on “Basic techniques in Biological Sciences”, for 12th Science students at Navrachana University, Vadodara, Gujarat on 10th January 2018.
- Faculty Development Programme organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of JBAS College for Women, Chennai on 9th June 2016.
- One Day Training under the DBT sponsored Star College Scheme on “Microtechnique” held at the Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology- JBAS College for Women, Chennai, conducted by Plant Anatomy Research Centre on 9th May 2016.
- Hands on Training under the DBT sponsored Star College Scheme on “Molecular Biology, Plant Tissue Culture and Bioinstrumentation” conducted by Plant Anatomy Research Centre from 2nd May 2016 to 7th May 2016.
- One Day Workshop under the DBT sponsored Star College Scheme on “Leaf to drug-Phytochemical Screening of Plant extracts”, held at the Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology- JBAS College for Women, Chennai, conducted by Apex Biotechnology Training and Research Institute on 31st March 2016.
- Hands on Training under the DBT sponsored Star College Scheme on “Roof Gardening” held at the Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology- JBAS College for Women, Chennai, conducted by Apex Biotechnology Training and Research Institute on 29th March 2016.
- DST sponsored awareness workshop on “Women in Science” organized by CEPT University, Ahmedabad on 6th August 2011
Professional Affiliations /Membership
- Member of Vignan Gurjari (Life Member)
- Member of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (Life Member)
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