Being part of industry and academics for more than 16 years with special focus in the field of Finance brings a lot of dynamism to the class. Finance has been ever evolving field and is very dynamic. I particularly specialize in the blend of academic and industry amalgamation in terms of bringing practical insights to the classroom. Avid interest in the Stock Markets helps in bringing practical aspects to theory and vice versa. Of late, the essence of finance in Start-up has been a more focused area for understanding the perspectives of business. Co-ordinating Corporate Internship for BBA and MBA programs and working with the aim for providing better experience. Total Work Experience: 16 years of experience in Industry and Academia.
Academic background/Qualification
Ph. D in Management, 2021 on the topic “A Study on Wilful Default among listed companies in India”
Professional or Industrial Experience
- Worked as a Business Analyst with IT company at Hyderabad for developing Applications for Finance.
- Worked as Analyst and Relationship Manager at a prominent Stock Broking Company for Portfolio Management Services
In the domain of Finance and Accounting, Business Accounting, Financial Accounting and Analysis, Personal Finance, Banking and Insurance, Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management for undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Navrachana University
- An attempt to justify the What, Why and How of each course aligned with the overall objective of the program. Blended approached to test the theories in real life scenarios through simulation and case studies.
- Especially for specialization courses, use real time data on Stock Market, Final Accounts of the listed companies to work on various existing models and create new perspective.
Area of Expertise and Research
- Primary Area: Financial Management
- Secondary Area: Entrepreneurship
List of publications in the chronology (APA Style Guidelines)-
Journal Articles
- Rangoonwala, Nikita, Bhatia, Hitesh (2020), ‘Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Wilful Default for Commercial Banks in India’, International Journal of Business Analytics and Intelligence, 2(2), 2020
- Rangoonwala, Nikita, (2019) ‘Evaluation of Bankruptcy Prediction Models’. Interwoven: An interdisciplinary journal of Navrachana University, 2(2).
- Mehta, Nikita, “Legal Aspects of the Wilful Defaulters in India”, International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance, E-ISSN number 23207507, Publishing India, July 2019
- Mehta, Nikita and Kothari, Nirlesh, “Means of Finance: IPO as a tool for leverage”, Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal “Research Imprints”, SNDT Affiliated SPN Doshi Womens College Ghatkopar, Mumbai, ISSN-2278-4268, May 2015.
Chapter/s in Books
- Rangoonwala, Nikita, Bhatia, Hitesh and Sundararajan S, “Study on Bankruptcy Prediction Models of Wilful Default Listed Companies in India: Altman Z Score and Ohlson O Score Model”, edited by Patel, Ritesh and Bhatt, Nityesh, Research Frontiers in Finance, Operations and General Management, ISBN-978-93-88237-62-8, Excel Publishers, 2019.
- Mehta, Nikita and Kothari, Nirlesh, “Do Green Practices result in better financial Performance?” edited by Bhatia, Hitesh and Talegaonkar, Vandana, Innovating for Development and Sustainability, ISBN-978-93-86256-79-9, Excel publishers, ISBN-978-93-86256-79-9, 2017.
- Mehta, Nikita “Need for Accounting Standardization in Globalization IFRS”, Challenging Strategies for Business Management edited by Neema Robin, Ramchandani Shweta, Joshi Vaibhav, published by Vishisht Institute of Professional Studies and Research, 2014-ISBN-978-81-927004-0-3
- Mehta, Nikita and Bhatia, Hitesh “An overview on IFRS in India: Framework and Benefits” edited by Umanath Kumarasamy, Banking Financial Services and Insurance- Trends, Opportunities Issues and Challenges (1st ed), Pothi.com, ISBN-978-93-82359-59-3, 2013.
- Mehta, Nikita and Bhatia, Hitesh Public Expenditure on Education in India A Critical Observation, Edited Book by Fathima, NAS Publication ISBN-978-81-927973-2-8, 2012.
- Mehta, Nikita and Taneja, Neha, “A study on Critical Determinants: The growth sage of Venture Capital Funding in India”, INDAM-2023 @ School of Business Management, NMIMS, Mumbai, 06-08-January, 2023.
- Mehta, Nikita, Chawla, Neha (2023), ‘Evolution of Start-up Culture in India:A Reflection through IPOs Backed by Venture Capital’, India Strategy Conference 2023, Indian Institute of Management, Banaglore, 14-17 December 2023.
- Rangoonwala, Nikita, Bhatia, Hitesh and Sundararajan S, “Study on Bankruptcy Prediction Models of Wilful Default Listed Companies in India: Altman Z Score and Ohlson O Score Models”, edited by Patel, Ritesh and Bhatt, Nityesh, Research Frontiers in Finance, Operations and General Management, at ANVESH, Doctoral Conference, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 5-6 April 2019.
- Mehta, Nikita, “A Study on the legal aspects of the Wilful Defaulters in India”, at UGC Sponsored Conference on National Seminar on Emerging Issues in Macroeconomics, Banking and Finance at The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda on 18th February, 2018.
- Mehta, Nikita, “A Study of Credit Appraisal Techniques as an Important Function to Banking Sustainability”, at the Second National Conference on “Innovating for Development and Sustainability organized by Navrachana University, Vadodara on 4-5 October, 2017.
- Mehta, Nikita Chawla, Neha and Kothari, Nirlesh,”CSR and Social Entrepreneurship” at Samhit-2016-National Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility by School of Business and Law, Navrachana University, Vadodara on 8-9 January, 2016.
- Mehta, Nikita and Kothari, Nirlesh, “Do Green Practices result in better financial Performance?”, at the National Conference on “Innovating for Development and Sustainability by Navrachana University, Vadodara on 30-31st October, 2015.
- Mehta, Nikita and Kothari, Nirlesh, “Indian Initial Public Offerings: A Boost or a Blow to the Economic Growth?”, 40th Summit, Skoch Foundation on 11-12 June, 2015 at BSE International Convention Hall, Mumbai
- Mehta, Nikita and Kothari, Nirlesh, “IPOs as Means to Financing with Special Focus on Leveraging”, National Conference on Finance-Issues and Challenges, Auro University, Surat, 2014
- Mehta, Nikita and Kothari, Nirlesh, “Critical Evaluation Of IPO Pricing With Reference To Companies Financial Performance And Investors’ Wealth Creation”, International Conference on Role of Financial Industry in Accelerating Economic Growth, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, 2014.
- Mehta, Nikita “Need for Accounting Standardization in Globalization IFRS” to the International Conference on ”Paradigm Shift in Innovative Business Management”, Vashisht Institute of Professional Studies and Research, Indore, 2013.
- Mehta, Nikita and Bhatia, Hitesh, “Public Expenditure on Education-An Opportunity or Obstacle for Change” at National Seminar on “Education for Change” conducted by Navrachana University, 2012.
Awards/Honors (in the order recent to be first)
- Times of India Super Employee Award 2022.
- Deans’ Choice “Best Faculty” Award, 2015 and 2016
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