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Dr. Parth Pandya

Associate Professor and Head, UG-PG Office

School: Science

Dr. Parth has a research and teaching experience of 12 years. He teaches BSc, MSc and PhD Programs across the University. Dr. Parth’s lab is currently focusing on the neuroendocrine regulation of puberty in different vertebrate models like fish and rats. The focus is on the regulation of Kisspeptin a key hormone playing a role in gonadal development and downstream hormone release to answer the questions related to pubertal diseases. Majorly the brain of the organisms is deeply studied in regards to the regulation attained by neurotransmitters and other associated neuropeptides. The second part of the work focuses on the toxicological aspects of environmental contaminants (Metal ions, pesticides, etc.) contributing to environmental pollution and affecting non-target species. The third part of the lab emphasizes the diversity of insect pests in different parts of Gujarat and finding the approaches for pest control in the agricultural field and stored grains. For all the projects, we are employing advanced techniques like real-time PCR, Western blotting, Fluorescence-based analysis, FACs, and epigenetics analysis. 

He is actively engrossed in safeguarding nature and is associated with NGOs like Gujarat Nature Conservation Society, Vadodara and has served in various value education programs of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Memorial, Vadodara.   

Explore the academic brilliance of Ass. Professor Parth Pandya contributed significantly to the field of science. With expertise and dedication, Parth Pandya shapes the educational landscape at Navrachana University, leaving an indelible mark in the realms of academia.  

Academic background/Qualification

  • BSc, MSc, PhD 
  • PhD  in Zoology (Neuroendocrinology & Ecotoxicology), The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara. 
  • MSc in Biochemistry, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara. 
  • BSc in Zoology, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara. 

Professional Experience

Dr. Parth has a work experience of 12 years, where prior to joining Navrachana University, he has worked for 5 years at The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara. He is also inducted as paper setters and as an external examiner in different universities across Gujarat.  


Dr. Parth is teaching many courses as per his expertise like Immunology, Toxicology and Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Taxonomy, and various laboratory courses.  

  • He teaches the courses in different modes which is temporary driven by lecture followed by discussions, presentations and model based impartment of knowledge.  
  • At Masters level, he is more focusing on the understanding the reviews and research papers related to the topics that needs to be covered. Students are encouraging to make videos which after screening is uploaded on the youtube channels of the clubs. 

Area of Expertise and Research 

  • Primary Area: Toxicology and Neuroendocrinology 
  • Secondary Area: Ecotoxicology, Insect Diversity, physiology and Biochemistry


Total Citations: 80, h-Index-6 

Journal Articles: 

  • Mavani R, Rana K, Pandya P, Kottayi M. Naphthalene acetic acid and 6- benzylaminopurine induced phenolics, flavonoids and terpenoids in shoot cultures of Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze and callus cultures of Ocimum basilicum L. Plant Sci. Today. 2024 
  • Decoding the effect of photoperiodic cues in transducing kisspeptin-melatonin circuit during the pubertal onset in common carp. Journal of Molecular reproduction and Development. 91(5); 
  • Environmentally relevant concentrations of nickel and imidacloprid induce reproductive toxicity in earthworm (Eisenia fetida fetida). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. (2024). 
  • Shah H, Trivedi M, Gurjar T, Sahoo DK, Jergens AE, Yadav VK, Patel A, Pandya P. Decoding the Gut Microbiome in Companion Animals: Impacts and Innovations. Microorganisms. 2024; 12(9):1831. 
  • Sharma P, Pandya P and Parikh P. Elucidating The Host Preference by The Pulse Beetle Callosobruchus Chinensis (L) (2023). Indian Journal of Entomology. 1, 1-4 
  • Linta Paulson, Parth Pandya, Bhumi Thakkar, Nishi Pandya & Pragna Parikh. Molecular Characterization of Coleopteran Pests and its Relations to Agricultural Crops. (2023). Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 76, 146–156 
  • Nehareeka Dan, Harsh Shah and Parth Pandya. Role of Kisspeptin, Serotonin, Melatonin in Pubertal Onset of Teleost: Review on Recent Advancements Vol. 6, Issue 1, June 2023 Interwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University. 
  • Upadhyay A, Pandya P, Salunke A, Parikh P. Herbicide Pyrazosulfuron induces genotoxicity, cell cycle alterations, and apoptosis in tilapia (O. mossambicus). (2022).2(4):287-295 
  • Salunke A, Pandya P, Upadhyay A, Parikh P. Assessment of sublethal toxicity using proliferation markers in fish cell line-ICG exposed to agrochemicals. J Appl Biol Biotech, 2022; 10(03):54–64 
  • N Pandya, J Parmar, M Purohit, B Thakkar, P Pandya Elucidating the role of neurotransmitters in the nesting behaviour of Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)- International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 2022. 42, 3427–3439 
  • Pandya, N., Thakkar, B., Pandya, P. et al. Evaluation of insecticidal potential of organochemicals on SF9 cell line. JoBAZ 82, 60 (2021). 
  • Mukherjee, R., Pandya, P., Baxi, D., & Ramachandran, A. V. (2021). Endocrine Disruptors-‘Food’ for Thought. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 74(4), 432–442.  
  • Pandya P., Salunke A., Parikh P., (2020). Evaluating the toxic potential of agrochemicals on the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐thyroid axis in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Journal of Applied Ichthyology(Wiley), 36:02 (203-211). 
  • Thakkar, B., Pandya, P. & Parikh, P. (2020). Isolation, establishment and characterization of new insect cell line derived from midgut of rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae.InVitro Cell.Dev.Biol. Animal (Springer Nature).56: 832–836, 
  • Salunke A., Pandya P., and Parikh P., (2020) Behavioral alterations and neurotoxicity of Imidacloprid on freshwater Teleost Oreochromis mossambicus, Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A9: 23-30. 
  • Pandya, P., Upadhyay, A., Thakkar, B., & Parikh, P. (2018). Evaluating the toxicological effects of agrochemicals on glucocorticoid receptor and serum cortisol level in Mozambique tilapia Cogent Biology (T&F) 4(1): . (IF-1.0). 
  • Singhal, S., Thakkar, B., Pandya, P. et al. (2018) Unraveling the diversity, phylogeny, and ecological role of cryptic Coleopteran species of Vadodara district: a first comparative approach from India. JoBAZ 79: 018-0062-2. (IF-1.3). 
  • Paulson L., Pandya P,  Thakkar B and Parikh P (2018). Isolation of pathogenic bacteria from Musca domestica and the effect of antibiotics, captured from Vadodara city, Gujarat. 6(4): 1369-1377. 
  • Prajapati A, Chauhan G, Gupta S, Pandya P, Kaur S, Gupta S. Analysis of AR, PSA (KLK) and ER-β Genetic Variants and Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) Pathogenesis in Indian Population. Biomed Res J 2016;3(1):88-103.(IF-1.0). 
  • Patel B., Pandya P and Parikh P., (2016). Effects of Agro-Chemicals On Antioxidant Enzymes and Lipid Peroxidation In Oreochromis mossambicus And Labeo rohita. International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences.1 (3):163-172. (IF-2.3). 
  • Pandya P. and Parikh P. (2016). Agrochemicals Induced Gene Expression Alterations In O.mossambicus. International Journal of Advanced Research.4(6): 830-840 doi: 10.21474/IJAR01.(IF:6.3) [ISSN: 2320-5407] 
  • Sadekarpawar S., Pandya P., Upadhyay A. and Parikh P.(2015).A Comparative Assessment Of Trace Metal Accumulation In Oreochromis mossambicus And Labeo Rohita Exposed To Plant Nutrient Libreltm. International Journal of Current Advanced Research.4(10):441-449 [IF -4.915] [ISSN no: 2319-6475] 
  • Sadekarpawar S., Pandya P., Parikh P. (2015): Proteotoxicity Studies in Liver, Muscle, Kidney and Gills of Oreochromis mossambicus and Labeo rohita Exposed to Plant Nutrient (LibrelTM). International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB).3(6):29-36.[I F:2.99]. [2349-0365]. 
  • Upadhyay A., Pandya P., Parikh P.(2014): Acute exposure of Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl induced Haematological and Blood Biochemical changes in the Freshwater Teleost fish Oreochromis mossambicus. International Journal of advance Research In Biological Science.1(2):79-86 [IF-1.5]. [2348-8069] 10.22192/ijarbs 


  • Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. vol 3, IIP publishers, 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6252-430-0 

Chapter/s in Books 

  • Nehareeka Dan, Harsh Shah and Parth Pandya. Puberty In Teleost: Biotechnological Applications, Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. vol 3, IIP publishers, 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6252-430-0 
  • Harsh Shah, Nehareeka Dan and Parth Pandya. Mammalian Kisspeptin And Puberty: Mechanism, Detection And Recent Advancements, Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. vol 3, IIP publishers, 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6252-430-0 
  • Rahul Ladumore, Pallavi Trivedi, Tejas Gurjar, Monisha Kottayi, ANkita Doshi, Parth Pandya. Biotechnological Advancements In Ecotoxicology Pertaining To Marine-Biome, Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. vol 3, IIP publishers, 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6252-430-0 
  • Ankita Salunke, Parth Pandya and Pragna Parikh.  Fish Cell Lines: Recent Trends And Roles In Biotechnology,Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. vol 3, IIP publishers, 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6252-430-0. 
  • Pankaj Sharma, Parth Pandya and Pragna Parikh. The Genomic Era Of Insect Taxonomy: Biotechnological Advancements. Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. vol 3, IIP publishers, 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6252-430-0. 
  • Nishi Pandya, Parth Pandya and Pragna Parikh. Biotechnological Approaches In Insect Pest Management, Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology. vol 3, IIP publishers, 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6252-430-0. 
  • Fish biomarkers in environmental biomonitoring: an insight into water pollution. Biomarkers in Environmental and Human Health Biomonitoring : An Integrated Perspective 2024, Pages 65-7, 2024. 
  • Linta Paulson, Parth Pandya, Bhumi Thakkar, Pankaj Sharma and Pragna Parikh Molecular Characterization of Lepidoptera and Hemiptera Pests of Vadodara. Animal Agriculture: Modern Practices and Issues 2022 
  • Nishi Pandya, Hemali Vyas, Jigisha Parmar, Bhumi Thakkar, Parth Pandya and Pragna Parikh Nesting Pattern and Soil Nutrient Enrichment by Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): An Ecological Approach. Animal Agriculture: Modern Practices and Issues 2022 
  • Upadhyay A., Pandya P., Parikh P (2020). Experimental Study on Acute Exposure of Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl Induced Haematological and Blood Biochemical Changes in the Freshwater Teleost Fish Oreochromis mossambicus. Recent Research Advances in Biology Vol. 1- Book Publisher International, London. ISBN 978-93-90149-69-8. 


International & National: 

  • Poster Presentation on “Molecular Insights into the Kisspeptin & Melatonin Receptor Expression in Primary Cultures of Hypothalamic Neurons.”  in National Conference on Reproduction and Endocrinology, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka-2021. 
  • Poster Presentation on “Puberty onset in Rats: Possible Kisspeptin Melatonin Interplay in National Conference on Reproduction and Endocrinology, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka-2021. 
  • Poster Presentation on “Evaluation of the environmental relevant toxic potential of agrochemicals on hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in Oreochromis mossambicus” Presented in International Conference on Reproduction, Endocrinology and Development, 2019 organized by Navrachana University, Vadodara 
  • Poster Presentation on ” Ameliorative Effect of Melatonin against nickel toxicity at an environmentally relevant concentration in Zebra fish (Danio rerio)” in International Conference on Ecohealth and Environmental Sustainability, 2020, organized by Navrachana University, Vadodara. 
  • Oral presentation entitled ” “Understanding the Effects of Sublethal Pesticide Exposure on Honey Bees: A Behavior, biochemical and histological evaluation” in International E-conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Life Sciences organized by Indraraj Art, Commerce and Science College, Maharashtra, 2020. 
  • Poster Presentation on “Neuroendocrine regulation of Gonadal axis: A review on Vertebrates” in National Conference on Gynecology and reproductive Biology. 
  • Oral Presentation on “Morphological and Molecular identification of Orthoptera fauna of Vadodara district Gujarat” in International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Science and Technology organized by Christ College, Rajkot, Gujarat, 2017. 
  • “Gene Expression Studies on O.mossambicus Exposed to Agrochemicals”. Poster on Presentation Conference on at International Physiology(CEIP), Kerala, 2015 Endocrinology and Integrative   Physiology. 
  • “Evaluation of Genotoxicity Potential of Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl in Oreochromis mossambicus” Poster Presentation at Emerging Trends in Science and technology (ETCST),Bangkok, Thailand 2014. 
  • “Proteotoxicity Studies In Liver, Muscle, Kidney and Gills Of Oreochromis mossambicus and Labeo rohita Exposed to Plant Nutrient (LibrelTM)” Oral Presentation at Emerging Trends in Science and technology (ETCST),Bangkok, Thailand 2014. 
  • “Assessment Of Trace Element Genotoxicity By the Micronucleus test in Freshwater Fish O.mossambicus “Oral presentation in International Conference on Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sciences (ICEES), Organized by IEES Kolkata at New-Delhi,2014. 
  • “Identification by Biometrics: Application to Human Society” Poster presentation at    Science Excellence 2010, by Gujarat University Ahmadabad 
  • “Fission Yeast Cells Undergo Nuclear Division In Absence Of Spindle Microtubule” 
  • Oral Presentation at Science Excellence 2011, by Gujarat University Ahmadabad. 
  • Poster Presentation in the Science Symposium organized by Christ College Rajkot 2008, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. 


  • Workshop on Protein-Receptor Binding Chemistry. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology (VSCIMB), The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (MSU) and Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Sponsored by: Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) 
  • Certificate Course on Bioinformatics DBT-BIF Centre, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. from 29/06/2021 till 09/07/2021. 
  • Participation in FDP on Nurturing on Innovations and Startup Ecosystem, i-Hub, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 2020.   
  • Participation in FDP on Protein-Receptor Binding Chemistry Jointly Organized By Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Institute Of Cell And Molecular Biology (VSCMB), The Maharaja Sayajirao University Of Baroda (MSU) And Department Of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Sponsored By: Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM). 
  • Participation in FDP on Bioinformatics organized by Holy Cross College, Trichi, TN, 2020. 
  • DNA Damage & Repair Mechanism by Dr. J.Y. Masson (Laval University, Canada) at Department of Biochemistry, The M.S. University Of Baroda,2011. 
  • Essential of Cell Biology: Cytoskeleton by Prof. R.K. Rao (University of Tennesse, Health Science Centre, USA) at Department of Biochemistry, The M.S. University of Baroda, 2010. 
  • National Workshop on Invertebrate Taxonomy at Department of Zoology, The M.S. University of Baroda,2009. 

Invited Talks:  

  • Invited Talk on Agricultural Pollution: Effects on Non-Target Species in the International Conference organized by Seth Ranglal Kothari Government Post Graduate College, Rajsamand, Rajasthan, India 2022. 
  • Invited Lecture on Molecular Interplay of Kisspeptin and Melatonin during the pubertal onset in Cyprinus Carpio, in National Conference on Reproduction and Endocrinology, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka-2021 
  • Invited Lecture in “International Webinar on Cell & Stem Cell Research”, USA 2021. 
  • Invitation to deliver an Expert lecture on Cell wall, Membrane and Orgenelles in the CSIR NET Crash course workshop at PG-N-BT-CBC, south Gujarat region, 2020. 
  • Treasurer in International Conference on Reproduction, Endocrinology and Development, (ICRED), 2019, held at Navrachana University, Vadodara. 
  • Treasurer in International Conference on Ecohealth and Environmental Sustainability (ICEES), 2020, held at Navrachana University, Vadodara. 
  • Treasurer in International Conference on Public Health (ICPH), 2021, held at Navrachana University, Vadodara. 
  • Joint-Treasurer in International Conference on Organic and Medicinal Pharmaceuticals (ICOMP), 2022, held at Navrachana University, Vadodara. 


  • Understanding the Molecular Ecology of Regenerative Non-scaring Wound Healing during Tail Regeneration of House Gecko. By Navrachana University Seed Grant Rs 5,00,000 INR (2024-2026) 
  • Insect Pest-Host Plant Response: Decoding the Active Players Under Biotic Stress, BY Navrachana University, By Navrachana University Seed Grant Rs 4,90,000 INR (2024-2026) 
  • Deciphering the effect of Toxicants in the Marine Sentinel Edible Species: A Biomonitoring Approach. By GSBTM, Govt. of Gujarat, Rs.41,01,249 (2023-2026) 
  • Identification of the novel Quorum Sensing Inhibitor from Butea monosperma Leaf and Gum extract against Serratia marcescens. By Navrachana University Seed Grant Rs. 1,00,000. 
  • Oligonucleotide Amphiphiles based Supramolecular Systems for targeted drug delivery for cancer therapeutics. DST SERB CRG, Government of India of Rs. 3971264/- (2021-2024) 
  • Unraveling the kisspeptin melatonin Circuit in two vertebrate models. sanctioned by DST –CRG, Government of India of Rs. 39,84,000/- (2019-2022) 
  • To study the Biological Assessment of Orthoptera using DNA Barcode Approach Sanctioned by GUJCOST, Gujarat of Rs. 3,60,000/- (2016-2018).


  • Young Researcher Award 2020 by Institute of Scholar (InSc), Bengaluru.  
  • Best Oral Presentation Award in International Science Symposium on Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Christ College Rajkot, Gujarat, India. (2017). 
  • Best Presentation Award at the International Conference of Emerging trends in Science and Technology (ETCST), Bangkok, Thailand (2014). 
  • Received Bharat Jyoti Award, From International Friendship Society for Excellence in Science (2014) 
  • Selected as Assistant Professor in Department of Zoology, The M.S University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat.(2013) 
  • Cleared Gujarat State Lectureship Entrance Test (G-SLET) for lectureship (2012) 
  • Received Gold medal in the third year of Bachelors in Zoology for scoring the highest marks & securing 1st position (2010) 
  • Secured First prize in Poster Presentation at Gujarat Science Excellence 2010, Ahmedabad. 
  • Secured Second Prize In Quiz Competition Organized By INSONA (NGO) Vadodara at M.S University Vadodara. (2010). 
  • Secured Second prize in Quiz Competition organized by Botany Department of M.S. University Vadodara (2009).

Professional Affiliations /Membership 

  • Joint Treasurer, SRBCE, India 
  • Life Member in Society for Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology (SRBCE), India. 
  • Life Member Association of Zoologist, Gujarat 
  • Life Member Vignan Gurjari, Gujarat Chapter, India. 
  • Reviewer in Bio-Info journals 
  • Associate Editor in Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration. 
  • Assistant Editor in IMPACT Journals and Journal of Biology (Science Publishers). 
  • Assistant Editor in SCREA American Journal of Biology. 
  • Editor, American Journal of Biology. 
  • Member, Exam Committee, Navrachana University, 2017-2019 
  • Member, Cultural Committee, Navrachana University, 2017-ongoing 
  • Member, School Research Committee SSIP, Navrachana University, 2018-19 
  • Convener, Cultural Committee, Navrachana University, 2019-2022 
  • Head, UG-PG Office, Navrachana University, 2022-ongoing. 
  • Purchase in-charge at Department Level, Navrachana University, 
  • Admission in-charge of School Level, Navrachana University, 
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