Dr. Payal Desai
Associate Professor – Civil
Associate Professor – SEDA
- DST SERB Young Scientist Research grant of Rs. 20, 82, 000, Govt of India [2016 – 2019]
- Best Faculty of the University [2016 – 2017]
- Best paper award at Second National Conference on ‘Innovating for Development and Sustainability’ to be held during October 5-6, 2017 at NUV. The paper titled “On geometric pattern in Golden Hexagon” [2017]
- Dean’s Choice Faculty Award [2015 – 2016]
- University Faculty Award for school connect initiative [2015 – 2016]
- University Faculty Award for Research Initiative [2015 – 2016]
Sponsored Research Project
1. Funding Agency : DST – SERB Young Scientist Award, Govt of India Duration: 3 Years, (January 2O16 to July 2O2O) (Completed)
Grant No: YSS/2O15/OOO978 | Sanctioned grant: Rs. 2O,82,OOO/-
PI: Dr. Payal Desai
Title: ” Numerical analysis of elastostatic plate with eccentric hole in bipolar coordinate system”.
2. Funding Agency: Navrachana University
Grant No: NUV_Seed Grant_2022-23_07 | Grant Amount: Rs. 3,00,000/-
PI: Dr. Payal Desai
Title: On Evaluation of critical buckling load of a beam using a generalized novel computer methodology
Duration: 3 Years
Administrative position held
Program Chair – BTech program in Civil Engineering, MTech program in Structural Engineering – (Since July 2017 – Present)
Convenor, University ICT Committee (Year 2019 – 2020)
Brief details of Responsibilities held:
- Curriculum Development for BTech and MTech
- Placement and Internship Support
- Events Organization and reaching out activities
- Students and faculty Mentoring
- Admissions
- Preparation of agenda
- Preparation of various academic documents
- Preparation of guidelines for the smooth functioning of the program
- Monitoring teaching, research and administrative duties in the program
- Administrative duties assigned by the University
Papers in Referred Journals
1. Payal Desai (2023) On Derivations of Basic Governing Equations for Solid Bodies in Bipolar Cylindrical Coordinate System, Vol 6, issue 1, Interwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University, pages 1 – 20.
2. Desai, P. (2022). On derivations of basic governing equations for solid bodies in bispherical coordinate system. Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics, Vol 1, Issue 2, 109 -115. DOI 10.33140/JMTCM.
3. Limbasiya Jigneshkumar, Payal Desai, Monika Shah (2022) “Dam Break Analysis using HEC-RAS: A Case Study of Karjan Dam”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management Vol 6, Issue 2, June, 2022, DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM14546, pp. 1 – 5.
4. Limbasiya Jigneshkumar, Payal Desai, Monika Shah (2022) “Evaluation of Stability Analysis of Karjan Dam using safety factors”, Journal of Emerging technologies and innovative research, Vol. 9, Issue 6, pp. 336 – 379.
5. Desai, P. (2020). Semi analytical cum numerical analysis of two-dimensional elasticity problem of plate with eccentric hole in bipolar coordinate system. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 21(4), 185-204. (Scopus and web of science indexed).
6. Desai, P. (2O19). On Construction of Golden Section Interwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University, 2(1), pp. 31 – 4O.
7. Upadhyay, H., Rao, N., & Desai, P. (2018). Direct Stiffness Method for a Curved Beam and Analysis of a Curved Beam Using SAP. Interwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University, 2(1), 1-10.
8. Desai, P. (2018). On Geometric Pattern in Golden Hexagon. Communications in Applied Geometry, 8(1), 1-6.
9. Desai P, Desai F, Patil H S, (2016) Modeling of human arm bones: radius, ulna and humerus using classical and Timoshenko beam theory, 175(3):97-109, 2016 (Scopus index).
10. Desai, P. (2017). Construction of fibonacci spiral and geometry in golden hexagon using golden sections. Vol 1, issue1, pp. 19 – 27. Interwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University.
11. Desai, P. (2017). Construction of Golden Hexagon with golden section in equilateral Triangle. Vol1, issue1, pp. 28 – 33. Interwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University.
12. Desai, P., & Pandya, V. (2017). Airy’s Stress Solution for Isotropic Rings with Eccentric Hole Subjected to Pressure. Int. J. Mech. Solids, 12, 211-233.
13. Desai, P., & Kant, T. (2015). On numerical analysis of axisymmetric thick circular cylindrical shells based on higher order shell theories by segmentation method. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 17(2), 130-169. (Scopus and web of science indexed).
14. Pandya, Visaj. (2015). Stress Analysis of Eccentric Ring in Bipolar Coordinate System. 10.15623/ijret.2015.0425049. (Scopus indexed).
15. Desai, P., & Kant, T. (2013). On numerical analysis of composite and laminated cylinders of finite length subjected to partially distributed band load. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 111, 321-330. (Scopus and web of science indexed).
16. Desai, Payal & Grace, Nabil & Bebawy, Mena. (2012). On numerical investigation of transverse post tensioned decked bulb T-beam bridges. Indian Concrete Journal, 86. 55-60. (Scopus index).
17. Desai, Payal & Grace, Nabil. (2012). Detection of defects in bridges using joint shear wave technique: A laboratory study for structural health monitoring. Indian Concrete Journal. 86. 51-58. (Scopus indexed).
18. Desai, P., & Kant, T. (2012). A mixed semi analytical solution for functionally graded (FG) finite length cylinders of orthotropic materials subjected to thermal load. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 8, 89-100. (Scopus and web of science indexed).
19. Desai, Payal & Kant, Tarun. (2012). Accurate numerical modeling for functionally graded (FG) cylinders of finite length subjected to thermo mechanical load. Journal of Structural Engineering (India). 39. 277-290.
20. Desai, P., & Kant, T. (2012). Accurate stresses in laminated piezoelectric finite length cylinders subjected to electro-thermo-mechanical loadings. Current science, 50-60. (Scopus indexed).
21. Desai, P., & Kant, T. (2011). On accurate stress determination in laminated finite length cylinders subjected to thermo elastic load. Int. J. Mech. Solids, 6(1), 7-26.
22. Kant, Tarun & Desai, Payal. (2011). On numerical analysis of finite length cylinders under pressure: an elastostatic computational approach. Int J Appl Comput Sci Math. 1. 1-22.
23. Desai, P., & Kant, T. (2011). Stress analysis of finite length cylinders of layered media. Applied and Computational Mechanics, 5(2).
24. Kant, Tarun & Desai, Payal. (2010). Two-dimensional Axisymmetric Electromechanical Response of Piezoelectric, Functionally Graded and Layered Composite Cylinders. Journal of Solid Mechanics. 2. 10.4203/ccp.88.31. (Scopus indexed).
Invited Keynote and Expert Talks
- Delivering expert talks (conducted four session) during the GUJCOST sponsored six days Short term training program on “Finite element method and Applications in Civil Engineering, held during 4th june to 9th June [2018] at M S Patel Department of Civil Engineering, Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology, Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT). [2018]
- Invited Keynote Speaker, IIT Delhi, SEC 2014, Title ” On Derivations of Stress Field in Bi-polar Coordinate Systems”. Published In Advances in Structural Engineering: Mechanics, Volume One (pp. 205-214). Springer India. [2014] .
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