Sumit Bhawal earned two PhD degrees in Chemistry. The first related to the area of Polymer & Colloid Science (2003, M.S. University, Baroda, India), and the second in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (University of Texas, USA, 2014). He has around three years of training as a Post-doctoral Research Associate in Synthesis and application of Task-Specific Ionic Liquid with Prof Daniel Armstrong (Azyp. LLC, Univ. of Texas, USA) and Design and development of drug delivery platforms involving nanocrystals, nanoparticles, and microneedles (Texas Tech University, USA). His six years of Industrial R&D experience involves training in Polymeric Drug delivery, Drug solubilization in self-assembled structures (Sun Pharmaceuticals, India), Polymer coating & Resin Synthesis (Berger Paints, India), and API synthesis (CRO Labs, USA). Currently, he serves Navrachana University, as an Associate Professor in Chemistry, where he is involved in Teaching & Research.
- Total Work Experience+ 20 years
Academic background/Qualification
- Postdoctoral Research Associate NIH Funded Jan 2016–Sept 2017, Texas Tech University USA, Chemical Engineering Dept., Device fabrication for Transdermal Drug Delivery applications, Microneedles for vaccine delivery platforms.
- Postdoctoral Researcher Jan 2015–Dec 2015, Azyp LLC, Dept. of Chemistry (UT Arlington, USA), Application of Ionic liquids in transdermal drug delivery, Bioconjugate chemistry, University of Texas, USA. Synthesis of Task-specific ionic liquids and organic reactions in Ionic liquid.
- PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, USA 2014 – 2009, Area: Synthetic Organic Chemistry Thesis: Design and synthesis of Kinase Inhibitors. Targeting bacterial Vitamin B1 biosynthetic pathway through rational design of small molecule for antibacterial activity. Synthesis and lead optimization for a new target using Ligand-based and Pro-drug approaches. Focus area pyrimidine heterocycles (Organic and Medicinal Chemistry). Developing screening devices functionalized with peptides that selectively bind to New Chemical Entities (Peptide synthesis). Recipient of STEM Doctoral Fellowship and Graduate Stimulus Fellowship.
- PhD, M.S. University Baroda, India 1998 – 2002, Area: Polymer & Colloid Science Thesis: Polymerization of various acrylates in microemulsion (Broad area: Polymer &Colloid Science). Worked on the kinetic and mechanistic differences in emulsion and microemulsion polymerization. UGC Fellow and awarded SRF Fellowship (CSIR, India)
- M.Sc.: 1995-1997 Organic Chemistry (Specialization), First Class
- B.Sc.: 1992-1995 Chemistry (Main) Physics, Math’s (Subsidiary).
Professional or Industrial Experience
- His six years of Industrial R&D experience involves training in Polymeric Drug delivery, Drug solubilization in self-assembled structures (Sun Pharmaceuticals, India), Polymer coating & Resin Synthesis (Berger Paints, India), and API synthesis (CRO Labs, USA).
Involved in Teaching courses related to Organic Chemistry, Physical, Polymer, Material Chemistry, General Chemistry, and Green Chemistry to Undergraduates and Postgraduate students in Chemistry and allied disciplines.
Primary Area:
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- Polymer & Colloid Science
- Novel Drug and Vaccine Delivery Platforms
- Peptide and Ionic Liquid Synthesis
- Resin Synthesis & Bioconjugate chemistry
Secondary Area:
- Synthesis, aggregation, and application of Bile acid, Castor Oil, and Terpene-based Bio amphiphiles. (Ongoing Project Funded by IUC-DAE, BARC, Mumbai, India)
- Preparation and invitro analysis of Novel Hemostatic agents based on Cellulose (Funded by SSIP, Govt. of Gujarat.22-23)
- Development of PV Electrocoagulation systems for Textile wastewater treatment (Funded by KHOJ Grant, 23-24)
- Development of Vitamin B1 antimetabolites as a tool to investigate antimicrobial resistance (Forthcoming Research)
Journal Articles
- Patil, V. N., Basu, M., Hassan, P. A., Dutta, B., Patil, V., & Bhawal, S. S. (2024). Aggregation behavior of choline taurocholate micelles and application of these bile salt derivatives in cholesterol dissolution. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 411, 125733.
- Natural substrate-based design of pyrimidine analogues for disruption of HMP(P)K, a conserved enzyme in the bacterial biosynthesis of Vitamin B1., Under preparation (J. Med. Chem). Provisional patent pending (university acceptance granted). Published by Am. Chem.Soc.
- Bhawal, S. S., Hassan, P. A., Gawali, S. L., Patil, S. R., Patil, V. N., Solanki, S. H., Manyala, D. L., & Varade, D. S. (2022). Synthesis and aggregation behavior of novel biosurfactants choline cholate and choline deoxy cholate. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 349, 118193.
- Sarkar, S., Yadav, S., & Bhawal, S. (2021). Determining the Water Solubility of Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium Sponge by Modified Flask Method to Provide Guidance on the PGM Separation. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University
- Bhawal, S., & Sarkar, S. (2020). The Science of How Living Systems Escape Decay to Equilibrium! An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University
- Patil, R. A., Talebi, M., Xu, C., Bhawal, S. S., & Armstrong, D. W. (2016). Synthesis of Thermally Stable Geminal Dicationic Ionic Liquids and Related Ionic Compounds: An Examination of Physicochemical Properties by Structural Modification. Chemistry of Materials, 28(12), 4315–4323.
- Bhawal, S. S., Patil, R. A., & Armstrong, D. W. (2015). Rapid, effective deprotection of tert-butoxycarbonyl (Boc) amino acids and peptides at high temperatures using a thermally stable ionic liquid. RSC Advances, 5(116), 95854–95856.
- Yang, S. H., Wang, E. H., Gurak, J. A., Bhawal, S., Deshmukh, R., Wijeratne, A. B., Edwards, B. L., Foss, F. W., Timmons, R. B., & Schug, K. A. (2013). Affinity mesh screen materials for selective extraction and analysis of antibiotics using transmission mode desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Langmuir, 29(25), 8046–8053.
- Bobbitt, J. M., Li, L., Carlton, D. D., Yasin, M., Bhawal, S., Foss, F. W., Wernisch, S., Pell, R., Lindner, W., & Schug, K. A. (2012). Diastereoselective discrimination of lysine-alanine-alanine peptides by zwitterionic cinchona alkaloid-based chiral selectors using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1269, 308–315.
- Bhawal, S., Devi, S., & Dhoble, D. (2005). Initiator Artifacts in the Emulsion and Microemulsion Copolymerization of Partially Water-Soluble Monomers. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 55(4), 255–281.
- Bhawal, S., Reddy, L. H., Murthy, R. S. R., & Devi, S. (2004). Effect of a polymerizable cosurfactant on the microstructure and drug-release properties of nanoparticles synthesized through emulsion polymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 92(1), 402–409.
- Bhawal, S., Sanghvi, P. G., & Devi, S. (2003). Recalculation of monomer reactivity considering the effect of monomer partitioning in microemulsion. European Polymer Journal, 39(2), 389–396.
- Bhawal, S., Dhoble, D., & Devi, S. (2003). Revisiting emulsion polymerization to produce stable, translucent, nanolatex of partially water-soluble monomers, ethylacrylate-methylmethacrylate. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 90(10), 2593–2603.
- Bhawal, S., Kumar Pokhriyal, N., & Devi, S. (2002). Translucent nanolatexes through emulsion polymerisation of ethyl acrylate. European Polymer Journal, 38(4), 735–744.
- Bhawal, S., & Devi, S. (2002). Recalculation of the monomer reactivity and experimental differences in emulsion and microemulsion copolymerizations of partially water-soluble monomers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 86(11), 2802–2810.
- Bhawal Sumit (2022), Book chapter entitled “Exploring the scope of developing Ionic Liquid-based drugs” in Tailored Functional Materials, 111-116, Springer Proceedings in Materials, Vol 15, Nature Spinger.
Articles in the Media\Magazine
- Bhawal Sumit. (2019). There is Power in how we think about things. Ingenious Probers, 2. (University Magazine)
- 2024, Invited Talk, Sumit Bhawal, Gleanings from the synthesis of non-natural thiamine analogues to develop novel anti-infectives, 18th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC 2024), Organized by IIT Madras, September 2-7,2024.
- 2021, Oral Presentation, Vishal Patil, Kumari Bhavya, Durba Pal and Sumit Bhawal (Corresponding Author), Improved aqueous solubility of Curcumin in Choline Levulinate based Ionic Liquid, International, Symposium on Materials of the Millennium: Emerging trends and future prospects, Nov 2021.
- Sumit Bhawal, Diego Lopez and Frank W. Foss, Jr.* Synthesis of small molecule probes to target enzymes of thiamin biosynthesis and their potential use as novel anti-infective agents, 247th ACS National meeting and Exposition, Dallas, Texas, March 16-20, 2014, Poster Presentation.
- Sumit Bhawal, Diego Lopez, Yannick Ferreira, and Frank. W. Foss, Jr.* “Intervention of Thiamin biosynthetic pathway – The case of HMP kinase, 69th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Waco, TX, November 16-19, 2013 Oral Presentation.
- Sumit Bhawal, Diego Lopez, Jessica Nguyen, Yannick N. Ferreira, and Frank. W. Foss, Jr.* “Intervention of Thiamin biosynthetic pathway – Possibility for development of novel Anti-infectives” 46th ACS DFW Meeting-in-Miniature, Texas A&M Commerce, Texas April 27th, 2013 Oral Presentation.
- Sumit Bhawal, Diego Lopez, Jessica Nguyen, Frank W. Foss Jr.* “Intervention of Thiamin biosynthetic pathway – A possibility for development of novel Anti- infective” ACES: Annual Celebration of Excellence by Students Symposium, University of Texas at Arlington March 2013 Oral Presentation
- Sumit Bhawal, Diego Lopez, John A. Gurak, Frank W. Foss Jr.* “Intervention of Thiamin biosynthetic pathway: A possibility for development of novel Anti-infectives” 68th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Baton Rouge, LA, November 4-7, 2012 Poster Presented.
- Visit to Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC, November 2022)- Training on Isothermal Titration Calorimetry.
- Hands-on Training in NMR Spectrometry, Nov 2010, University of Texas at Arlington, USA.
- Invited to deliver a talk at the quadrennial World Congress of the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry organized by IIT Madras, in June 2024.
- Chaired a session at the quadrennial World Congress of the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry organized by IIT Madras, in June 2024.
- Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS) Project of UGC-DAE CSR entitled ‘Development of Cholesterol Based Biomimetic Amphiphiles: Self Assembly, Microstructure and Drug Delivery Applications’ (2023).
- Mentored M.Sc. (Chemistry) students at regional level SSIP (Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav Hackathon). Industrial dye color removal projects have been shortlisted for the finals (2022).
- Co-Convener International Conference on Organic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, February 2022.
- Awarded I-engage for training and mentoring senior undergraduates at UTA (Spring, 2014).
- Awarded Graduate Stimulus Fellowship (2009-2010), University of Texas, USA.
- STEM doctoral Fellowship (2009 – 2014), Univ of Texas, USA.
- Awarded Senior Research Fellowship by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India for research work (2001).
- Secured first position in the M.Sc. entrance exam conducted by M.S. University of Baroda, India (1997).
Professional Affiliations /Membership
- Organizing Committee Member and Resource Person: Chemistry Olympiad Exposure Camp for Teachers, held from December 4th to 7th, 2023, at the School of Science, Navrachana University in collaboration with the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai.
- Member of the Indian Society for Analytical Chemists (2022-Present).
- Former Member of the American Chemical Society (2010-2017).
- KHOJ Grant (2024) for progress in the development of Textile water purification systems.
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