Ms. Madhura Thombre is a passionate, dedicated academician having a deep interest in teaching, research and coordination. She has an extensive experience of teaching Law in several reputed institutions in Maharashtra, Gujarat before joining Navrachana University in 2019. Subjects like Constitutional Law, Media Law, Criminal Law and International Law are of special interest to her. She is zealous about competitive examinations and has pursued, extensively trained students for civil services & other examinations for 3 years. She has been training students for National Moot Court Competitions, Debates, Client Counselling etc. She has participated in National and International level conferences, symposiums and has published research papers in journals of repute. She is pursuing PhD from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.
Academic background/Qualification
- 5 years Integrated BSL LLB from ILS Law College, Pune
- LLM (Business Law) from University of Pune
- Pursuing PhD from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Courses taught by the faculty member include Constitutional Law, Media Law, International Law, Criminal Law, comparative Public Law. The teaching pedagogy is always contemporary and innovative that includes presentations, audio-visuals & analysis and Projects.
- Presented Research Paper ‘Critical Analysis of Laws related to Armed Conflict in light of Autonomous Weapons System: Issues and Challenges’ at International Conference on ‘International Humanitarian Law and Refugee Law’ at Nirma University, 2023.
- Paper presentation on ‘Anti-Defection Law: Silencing the voice of Democracy’ at Endurance of the Constitution of India: Journey of 75 Years at Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai 2024.
- Paper Presentation at National Seminar on ‘Judicial Appointments: Issues and Challenges’ on ‘NJAC: Issues and Challenges’ at National Conference organized by Savitribai Phule Pune University and N.B.T Law College
- Best Paper Presentation award for the Research Paper titled ‘Police Reforms: A Critical Appraisal’ at a National Conference on ‘Contemporary Issues and Challenges before Criminal Justice System in India’ organized by Navjeewan Law College, Nasik.
- Paper Presentation at National Seminar on ‘Gender Mainstreaming: Concept, Scope and Approaches’.at National Conference on Women’s Rights organized by Anand Law College, Anand
- Navin Sinha, Madhura Thombre and Hitesh Bhatia: ‘Moving towards Informative and Transparent Justice System’, Peace Justice and Strong Institutions in Encyclopaedia of UN Sustainable Development Goals, Springer https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-95960-3_127
- Madhura Thombre: ‘The curious case of Cyber Warfare’, THE INTERFACE BETWEEN LAW AND TECHNOLOGY (ISBN 978-81-950434-4-6)
- Madhura Thombre: Deconstructing Deepfake: Tracking Legal Implications and challenges’ in Volume 4 Issue 4 of International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] https://www.ijlmh.com/paper/deconstructing-deepfake-tracking-legal-implications-and-challenges/
Professional Affiliations /Membership
- External Examiner at Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
- Invited as External Examiner at Sardar Patel University, Anand
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