Pratyush Shankar
Dean | Professor
Pratyush Shankar is an academic and Dean of SEDA, Navrachana University. Pratyush was the Acting Dean of Architecture and Head of the Undergraduate Program at CEPT University and has been teaching Urban History and Design for many years now. He has authored the book titled “Himalayan Cities: Settlement Pattern, Public Places and Architecture” published by Niyogi Publishers, New Delhi, 2014. He is presently also a Guest Professor at the Mundus Urbano Program at Architecture Faculty, TU Darmstadt, Germany. He was awarded the Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship in 2015 and was hosted at at University of Bonn, Germany. His forthcoming publication is with Oxford university Press is titled “History of Urban Form: India”. Pratyush runs a design practice along with his academic interest. He was awarded the 22nd J K Cement Architect of the Year award 2013 in Residence Design Category.
Dean Pratyush Shankar, leading the School of Environmental Design and Architecture at Navrachana University. Under his guidance, students thrive in a dynamic learning environment, shaping the future of design. Experience excellence with Pratyush Shankar’s visionary leadership and transformative design education.
- Authored Book titled “Himalayan Cities: Settlement Pattern Public Places and Architecture” containing 110 analytical drawings, 170 photographs and text. Published by Niyogi Publisher, New Delhi. 2014
- Book Chapter in “Interprating Public Space in Jain Basadis of Moodabaidri” Editor Shonaleeka Kaul by in “Eloquent Spaces: Meaning and Community in Early Indian Architecture”, Routledge, New Delhi, 2109
- Book Chapter “Public Open Space in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal” in Talking Spaces: An Anthology of Public Spaces. Edited by Siva Rijal. Published by Social Science Baha, Kathmandu
- Article titled “Patan Structure and Form” published in International Journal. Contributions to Nepalese Studies Volume 36, Number 2, July 2009 Nepal: Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies
- Monograph “Internet Society and Space in Indian Cities” published by Center for the Internet and Society, Bangalore, 2012
- Book Chapter in “The Jaina Heritage” by Editor Julia A B Hegewald by Heidelberg Series in South Asia and Comparative Studies. Publisher Samskriti, New Delhi
- Paper titled “Is their something like a Himalayan City” published in the International Journal of Asia Fellowship Foundation, July, 2010, Bangkok. Thailand
- Paper “Framework for understanding change in Himalayan vernacular houses” presented/ published in Journal of 3rd International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements, Surabaya, Indonesia, March 2006.
- Paper “Himalayan Cities” presented/ published in Journal of 5rd International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, April 2012
- Paper (co-authored) “Service Oriented Architecture” published at the National Seminar of Informatics conference proceeding, Hyderabad, September 2007
- Article “Monasteries of Likir” published in Architecture Journal A + D, September 2006
- Article “Changes in Himalayan vernacular houses”, published in Architecture Journal A + D, September 2006
- Paper “The Grey-zone of Modernity” published in Architectural Magazine SPADE, Mumbai 2009. Publisher Spade School. Editors Aniket Bhagwat and Sameera Rathod
- Article on Award winning design of ‘Strip Garden” in Ahmedabad published in A+D, March-April, 2003
- Article on project – “Artist Studio” – published in magazine Inside Outside” September 2003
- Research Publication – Related Study Program – Ujjain Research Publication – Related Study Program – Rajpipla
- 50 years of Architectural Curriculum at SA Campus History of CEPT University
- Research Publication- Thesis Compilation
- Faculty of Architecture Year Book 2011 (Vol 1, 2), 2012 (Vol 1,2), 2013 (Vol1)
Awards and Fellowship
- Awarded Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany in Experienced Researcher category in November 2014. Hosted at Universitat Bonn, Germany
- Awarded Ford-Asia Fellowship 2008-09 from Asia Fellowship Foundation, Bangkok for the study titled “Is there something like a Himalayan City”
- Architect of the Year- Commendation Award for “Residence for three Artists”, by J K Cement, 2012
- Awarded CIS- RAW research fellowship by Center for the Internet and Society, Bangalore, 2010-11
- Awarded Research Grant by AICTE to carry out study -“Information Cities in India- Transformation of its Public Places under the Research Promotion Scheme. Project duration from March 2006 till July 2007
- Awarded the MODROBS Grant Award for Workshop by AICTE, New Delhi, 2012
- Curriculum Vitae – Pratyush Shankar Page 3 of 5
- Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), London, Travel Grant Award, 1994, to study ‘Settlements in High Himalayas’
- ‘Special Mention’ Award by A+D – Spectrum Foundation Architecture Award 2002 for design of Strip Garden in Ahmedabad
- ‘Young Designer of the Year’ 2000. A Competition by ‘Indian Architect & Builder’, Mumbai
Recent Public Talk Delivered at
- Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi 2019
- School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi 2019
- German Archaeology Forum, Berlin 2018
- United Nations University, Bonn, 2017
- University of Bonn, 2018
- TU Darmstadt, Dramstadt, 2018
- UN University, Bonn 2018
- Humboldt University, Berlin, 2015
- Central European Heritage Forum, Krakow,
- 2017 FEED lecture Series, Pune, 2014
- MAASA Lecture Series, Bangalore, 2014
- SPA, Bhopal, 2019
- NIT, Trichy, 2017
- CARE Institute, Trichy, 2017
Seminar and Conferences
- Chair for the 10th ISVS (International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements), SPA, Bhopal, Feb 2021
- Chair for the 6th ISVS (International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements), North Cyprus, April 2012
- Chair for the 5th ISVS (International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements), Colombo, Srilanka, April 2010
- Chair for the 4th ISVS (International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements), Ahmedabad, india. March 2008
- Resource Person and presenter in International Conference of Blended Learning, August, 2010 at Christ University, Bangalore
- Presentation and Talk in “Cyber-culture and Space” at Cultre Mondeiu, Taipei, Taiwan January 2010
- Resource Person and presenter for the workshop “Maps for Change” at NID, Ahmedabad, March 2010
- Presented the study “is their something like a Himalayan City” at the th ISVS (International Seminar for Vernacular Settlements), Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 2010
- Same study presented in the th Annual Asia fellows conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2010
- Presented the study on Patan morphology at UNESCO International training program for Disaster risk Management of Heritage property, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Presented Paper in the International Seminar on Jain Art and Architecture, at NIAS Bangalore organized b the Heidelberg University, Germany and National Institute of Advance Studies, Bangalore, February 2007
- Attended and presented paper at the rd ISVS (International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements), Surabaya, Indonesia, March 2006
- Attended and presented paper at the th ISVS (International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements), Colombo, SriLanka, March 2010
- Attended and presented paper at the th ISVS (International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements), North Cyprus, April 2012
- Organized International workshop in collaboration with CEE titled – “Education for Sustainable Built Environment”, as part of the “Education for Sustainable Futures” conference at CEE, Ahmedabad March, 2005
- Resource Person – NATIONAL SEMINAR ON HOUSING, M S University. LECTURE – “Building Material & Technology at what cost and for whom?” October 2004.
- Attended SHORT COURSE – “SUSTAINABLE CITIES”. Auroville, September 04′
- Attended COA seminar on Architectural Education, February 2006, Ahmedabad
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