Ravi Sevak
Program Chair | Assistant Professor
Mr. Ravi Sevak, Program chair and Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering program joined Navrachana University in September 2012 after completing his master’s in mechanical engineering with a specialization in Production and Industrial Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Engineering (IIT) Roorkee. He has taught in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Mechanical Engineering and Management. He has successfully implemented a newly engineered studio-based pedagogy in Engineering education. For his contribution to teaching, he was given the Students’ Choice Best Instructor Award for the academic years 2015-16, 2016-18, and 2017-18. His contribution to the School of Engineering and Technology and Navrachana University was recognized by Dean’s Choice Award and University Faculty Award. His area of research is Advance & Hybrid Manufacturing Processes and Microwave Processing of Materials. He is also a certified professional in the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt by ASCB USA. He has experience of 12+ Years.
Academic background/Qualification
- PhD, Pursuing
- M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Production and Industrial Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
- B.E Production Engineering, Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya, Vallabh Vidya Nagar
Professional or Industrial Experience
- Working in Navrachana University from September 2012
Courses taught by the faculty member.
- Manufacturing Technology, Unconventional Manufacturing Processes, Engineering Metallurgy, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Quality Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Thermodynamics, Foundation Studio 1, Design and Manufacturing Studio
Teaching philosophy or approach.
- As a faculty member, I believe in explaining technical fundamentals to students in simple terms by referring to different analogies. I also use demonstrations, games, simulations, and computer-aided tools to make the subject more interesting, engaging, and immersive.
- Any innovative teaching methods or technologies used.
- I have been active in developing and implementing the Studio Pedagogy in delivering engineering courses.
Area of Expertise and Research
- Primary Area: Manufacturing Engineering, Operations and Supply Chain management
- Secondary Area: Composite materials and their microwave processing, modelling and simulation aspects of composite materials
Publications (in the order recent to be first)
List of publications in the chronology (APA Style Guidelines)
Journal Articles
- Sevak RV, Burela RG, Arora G, Gupta A. Microwave-assisted fabrication of high-strength natural fiber hybrid composites for sustainable applications: An experimental and computational study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/14644207241269567
Chapter/s in Books
- Misra, J P; Jain, P K & Sevak, R (2012). ECH of Spur Gears – A Step Toward Commercialization, Chapter 17 in DAAAM International Scientific Book 2012, pp. 197-212, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3- 901509-86-5, ISSN 1726-9687, Vienna, Austria DOI: 10.2507/daaam.scibook.2012.17
Conferences/Seminars (in the order recent to be first)
- Sevak, Ravi., Trivedi, Viraj., “Effects of Graphite Powder Mixed Dielectric Fluid on Electro Discharge Machining of Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V)”, Paper presented in 3rd Biennial International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering, 3rd – 5th August 2022 Amity University, Noida
- Sevak, Ravi., Parmar, Anand., “Investigation of Electro-Discharge Machining of Al/SiCp Metal Matrix Composites using Copper Electrode by Box-Behnken Experimental Design” Paper presented in 3rd Biennial International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering,3rd – 5th August 2022, Amity University, Noida
- Vataliya, Ashish., Bhagat, Amit., Yadav, Parth., Sevak, Ravi.“Investigation studies on electro discharge machining of Inconel 718”, Paper presented and published in proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing Technology and Simulation at IIT Madras on 7th and 8th July, 2017. ISBN 978-93-80689-26-5, PP 474-478.
- Soni, Aditya., Shah, jarvish., Piyhadiya Jugal., Sevak, Ravi. “Development of fixture for Vertical Milling Machine & Optimization of Friction Stir Welding on HDPE”, Paper presented and published in proceedings of 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016), December 16-18, 2016 at College of Engineering., Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA. ISBN: 978-93-86256-27-0, PP 1977-1980.
- Solanki,A.A., Parmar,D.A., Patel,D.P., Masani,J.D.,Dabgar,V.D., Sevak,R.V. “Study of material removal rate and tool wear rate for Electric Discharge Machining of AISI D3 Tool Steel”, Presented and published in Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing 2016 at SVNIT Surat 12-14 May 2016, ISBN: 978-93-5265-309-6, PP 201-206.
Training/Workshops (in the order recent to be first)
- Attended Five Days Online Short Term Course (E-STC) on ADVANCES IN INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS: APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICES (AIMOAP-23) December 15-19, 2023 organized by NIT Kurukshetra
- Attended online FDP on “Recent Trends In Advanced Manufacturing Technology”, 24-28th April, 2023 organized by D.Y. PATIL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, AKURDI, PUNE – 44
- Attended Short-Term Training Program on Applications of Soft-computing Techniques and Numerical Modelling in“ Additive Manufacturing and Materials Processing”, 17-21 December 2022 organized by SVNIT Surat
- Awarded Student’s Choice Best Instructor award for three consecutive academic years, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18
- University Faculty Award for school Connect Initiative for academic year 2015-16
- Dean’s Choice Award for Academic Year 2014-2015
- Awarded Scholarship from the Ministry of Human Resource and Development from 2010-2012
Professional Affiliations /Membership
- Member: Indian Institute of Welding
- Convener Alumni Committee at NUV
- Organizer of TEDxNUV
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