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What Students Say


Massive disruptions, intense competitiveness, amplified focus on sustainability and highly volatile global dynamics are the truth of our times.
At NUV we are acutely aware that students who want to be successful in their professional and personal life, need to possess more than just academic knowledge.
They need to become team players and hone their creative skills to be able to solve new-age challenges. They need to nurture and grow their social, psychological, emotional, and ethical quotients. They need to internalise the lessons that playing a sport teaches – that victory and losses are sides of the same coin and not to get disheartened by setbacks. Thus, at NUV we focus on holistic development of our students that goes beyond books and includes art, culture, sports, student-organised seminars, explorations, field trips, etc.

Increase engineering skills by
participating in workshops and
Enhance managerial capabilities
moot by organising various events
Enrich their network by
meeting professionals from the